Feature Article
Careers Events Diary 2018

The Careers Team have put together a helpful diary of all careers events scheduled to take place in 2018. Of course the most important event will be the DBS Careers Week which takes place in March.


Here are some of the events you can expect throughout the year:


- Healthcare Job Fair Dublin 2018
- GradIreland Graduate Careers Fair
- GradIreland Summer Fair
- Jobs Expo Cork 2018
- Jobs Expo Dublin 2018


Find the full list here. 

Courses Commencing - April 2018

DBS is now accepting applications for the following courses scheduled to commence in April 2018.



MBA Marketing

MBA Cloud Computing

MSc Data Analytics


Scholarship information available for these courses can be found here.


Applications can be submitted here.


Open Evening

Are you in Dublin? Then come along to our next Open Event on Tuesday March 6th, between 5 and 7pm in our Aungier Street building. 

International students can study any of the Full-Time Undergraduate or Full-Time Postgraduate Programmes on offer at DBS, including courses in Business, Finance, Marketing, Computing, Media and Law. For a full list of programmes available to International Students, visit the International Students section on DBS.ie.

Events & News at DBS
Student Life Programme - 2018

DBS Student Activities have an action packed semester planned including:


- Mystery Tour

- Bundoran Trip

- Jumpzone

- Student Awards Night

- Glendalough

- International Surf Trip

- Refreshers Party


For more information on these great activities click here.

Careers Service at DBS
Our Careers Team prepare and help our students to find employment through many different ways, including Careers Fairs, guest speakers and one to one careers advice.
The dedicated DBS Careers Team give support to students to successfully find placements and jobs. On average 20 students per week avail of this service, which is free and open to all during the academic term. 

For more on how our Careers Team can help you, see here.

Call in to see us!

Call in to our office in Aungier Street any time between Monday to Friday, 8.45am - 5.15pm to speak to the Admissions Team.

They can guide you through our range of courses to help you decide on the one that's right for you.

You can also contact the Admissions Team on +353 (1) 417 7500 or admissions@dbs.ie