Feature Article
Open Evening - Tuesday August 22nd

DBS are holding an Open Evening on Tuesday August 22nd in our Aungier Street campus from 4 - 7pm. Open Evenings are an ideal opportunity to speak with DBS staff and lecturers to find out about Professional Evening Diploma programmes available at DBS.

Read: Top reasons to attend an Open Evening.

Register your interest in attending here.

Courses Starting Soon
We are accepting applications for courses starting in September and October, apply today to secure a place. 

Advanced Diploma in Marketing

Diploma in Accounting and Finance

Diploma in Business Studies

Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies

Diploma in Psychology

Diploma in Social Science

Diploma in Project Management

Diploma in Employment Law

Find our full course listing here.

Our Admissions Team are on hand to answer your questions and guide you through the application process, call us today on (01) 417 7500 or email admissions@dbs.ie

Guest Lecture Series – Jameson and Aer Rianta International
DBS were delighted to host two guest lectures on campus recently. Michelle Corbette (Marketing Director at Aer Rianta International) joined staff and students in Castle House to give a presentation and deliver some real industry insights to our eager attendees. 

We also welcomed John Carroll, Project Director at Jameson, to the college who gave a fascinating talk on his transformation of the Jameson Brand Stories...Read more.

Read What our Students Say....
Student Testimonial: Eimear Brady

Eimear Brady, is a recent graduate of the Diploma in ​Journalism and Media Studies with DBS. 

"On a personal level I gained so much confidence through the practical broadcasting workshops, which took me out of my comfort zone and challenged me. We had the opportunity to work in the DBS radio studio, and to create video reports on location in the city."

Read more about Eimear's time in DBS here.

Advanced Diploma in Marketing
The Advanced Diploma in Marketing provides students with an advanced understanding of the principles of marketing. The modules are designed to teach participants the key skills necessary for the contemporary marketer. Upon completion students will have developed a deep appreciation for how to apply these skills in practice.

Find out more here.

Call in to see us!

Call in to our office in Aungier Street any time between Monday to Friday, 8.45am - 5.15pm to speak to the Admissions Team.

They can guide you through our range of courses to help you decide on the one that's right for you.

You can also contact us on (01) 417 7500 or admissions@dbs.ie