Everything you need to know about starting at DBS
DBS CAO Open Day
DBS School Visits
DBS Student Hub
Contact our admissions office with any CAO queries
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For further information, contact the Admissions Office on (01) 4177500 or via email: admissions@dbs.ie

DBS School Visits

Applicants under the age of 23 years need to apply for full-time undergraduate courses via the CAO. The CAO applications facility for the 2017/18 academic year is now open.

As 6th year students consider options for their CAO application, our School Liaison Officer, Collette Ryan, is scheduling school visits throughout the country in order to ensure 6th year students are aware of the opportunities available at DBS. A school visit consists of an overview presentation and a Q&A session to ensure all queries are answered. In order to schedule a school visit please email schools@dbs.ie or collette.ryan@dbs.ie.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!
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