January Intake – Applications are open!
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Ireland sets €2bn goal for international education industry by 2020
Student Testimonial
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For further information, call the International Admissions Office on +353 1 4177500 or email international@dbs.ie

Student Testimonial
Michael Saez- BA (Hons) Business Information Systems - Philippines

‘I found that the staff at DBS very helpful particularly in assisting International Students with all of the formalities. I also found that the Professors were very supportive and always willing to respond to queries and address problems that I had with the material. I also found that the project across the modules, although challenging, to be very useful.

I found getting to know the many nationalities including the Irish students on the course to be very enjoyable and a real learning experience for me. The material in the courses was very stimulating and related very well to real life contexts. The availability of all the course and support materials was very convenient.

College life in DBS was fun with lots of activities. In my third year I was elected as class representative and this led to greater interaction with other students and the Professors.

I plan to work in a role that gives me the opportunity to apply that learning and knowledge that I gained at DBS. I also plan to do a Masters degree after I have a number of years of work experience.’

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