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Put the spotlight on your Career with a Professional Evening Diploma Programme

The broad range of Professional Evening Diploma Programmes provides you with a choice of skills and interest based courses that will appeal to your specific needs and requirements.

The Professional Evening Diplomas offer you the opportunity to add to your personal, technical or commercial knowledge and are offered throughout the disciplines of Arts, Business, Information Technology, Law, Media and Psychology.

The Professional Evening Diploma Programmes are designed to give students a competitive advantage in the workplace. Delivered by Industry Professionals, they offer practical education and real-life experience in each sector.

DBS Professional Evening Diploma Programmes provide:

  • Career Advancement
  • Skills-based practical training
  • CV-enhancing qualifications
  • Learning with industry leaders

Now accepting applications for all courses beginning in Autumn 2014



Irish technology SMEs hiring new Staff and growing Exports

IRISH technology firms are upbeat about the future and three-quarters of them are planning to grow their workforce this year.

In addition, seven out of 10 increased their turnover by an average of 30pc last year and six out of 10 are now looking outside Ireland for their main market, according to a survey by Amarach research for AIB.

The sector employs 30,000 people with a strong emerging technology start-up sector emerging throughout the country - many of these companies started during the recession.AIB's Head of Business Banking, Ken Burke, said the findings clearly show the growth potential of the Technology sector in Ireland and the capacity of Irish companies to compete in a rapidly-changing global market.

There are in excess of 700 indigenous technology companies and 27 accelerator-incubators (which provide pre-seed funding, training programmes and other start-up supports) now operating in the Irish economy.Three-quarters of the firms are privately held while just one in eight of them are funded by venture capital.

Of the 106 SMEs that were surveyed in this Outlook Report, three-quarters have employ less than 50 employees while 8pc employed in excess of 250 people.

*Irish Independant

Information and Communications Firms spending more on wages
According to the annual Business Survey of Economic Impact
Companies in the information and communications sectors increased the amount they spent on pay by just over 8pc a year in the decade up to 2012, a new survey shows.

The report said payroll in the manufacturing sector and the information, communication and other services sector increased by 0.5pc and 8.3pc per annum respectively between 2003 and 2012. The information, communication and other services sector includes the publishing, broadcasting and telecommunications sector, consultancy, IT, and financial services.

(Read More)

Submit an application online today

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Spotlight on one of our many courses
Diploma in Web Design
The Diploma in Web Design will give students a far deeper understanding of the web and learning to build their own websites using HTML etc. The internet is continuing to expand in commercial, academic and social circles as a means of communicating, advertising, publishing and distributing information. Companies now also require in house personnel to continually update and improve their websites.

Using current design software, this course is aimed at people with good computer skills who may have little or no knowledge of the web and who wish to develop, design and launch a website. Windows skills are assumed but no previous web skills are required. The programme enables student to use Adobe Dreamweaver and provides a basic understanding of HTML.

Career Opportunities

This programme will benefit those involved in the maintenance of a corporate website or those interested in creating their own site such a small business owners and entrepreneurs.



Next DBS Open Event: Tuesday 13th May

DBS are holding their next Open Event on Tuesday 13th May, 5-7pm.

Our Open Events are an ideal opportunity for you to visit the college and obtain further information on all our Professional Evening Diploma programmes and speak with industry specialist lecturers to identify the programme that is most suitable for your future development.

For information on our lecturing staff and their achievements and specialist areas, please visit our website for information on our Academic Schools and Staff.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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