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Why part-time study has a great future
Studying part-time can boost career chances and enrich the lives of students

There is an increasing ground swell growing right now in favour of part-time education. There are references in social media, in third level magazines and wherever people gather to talk about students and their chances in life.

If you are in full-time employment, why not learn while you earn and study an Evening Degree with DBS.

To learn more about our programmes to apply online please visit our website. Alternatively, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing or call 01 4177500

Social Media and Your Career: How to use Linkedin to be seen!
Helpful advice from DBS Careers Service

LinkedIn enables you to create an online advertisement for yourself. Your 'Professional Headline' is the text space next to your name.

You have 120 characters to relate your skills and career goals to your online identity. Recruiters and Hiring Managers search for specific terms such as skills and qualifications online on a daily basis. They are using a combination of google search and LinkedIn search functions.

A common question DBS Careers Services get asked is "How do I make my profile more likely to appear higher in the rankings by LinkedIn’s search engine?" 


To help you focus on optimizing your search-ability in the online marketplace, consider opening your mind to the notion that as a job seeker, you are a product that is 'for sale'.  The following Top 5 LinkedIn Tips will help you enhance your online career identity:

1. Answer the “WIIFM” question. The person reading your profile will want to know “What’s in it for me?” Use your headline to clearly show how your expertise benefits the employer.

2. Incorporate the job title you are hoping to get hired for next. Determine what you want to be found for, and emphasize those terms. Your headline should be future-focused, which will allow you to move toward your career goal.

3. If you are looking while unemployed, touch on that lightly in your headline. (But, only if you want to!) If you’re not comfortable with that, don’t. Don’t make that  you are currently a job seeker the sole focus of your headline or waste too many precious characters on it. Touch on it, then move on to emphasizing brand elements or keywords that will help you to be found.

4. Include different words that mean the same thing. The same job can have a different title at different companies and recruiters may search for either. 

5. Don’t waste space with overused buzzwords. Before you include a word in your headline, ask yourself whether it will hold meaning for the reader. Starting with skills and qualification related terms is a good place to start. Steer clear of personal attributes such as 'innovative' or 'determined'. Skills and qualifications will get you the job, personal attributes will help you excel at the job once you are in. 

Next DBS Open Evening:Tuesday 11th June 5-7pm
Discuss all programmes commencing in 2013

If you were unable to attend our last Open Evening, the next one will take place on Tuesday 11th June from 5-7pm in our Aungier Street building.

The Open Evening is an ideal opportunity for you to visit the college and obtain further information on our Evening Degree programmes and speak with industry specialist lecturers to identify the programme that is most suitable for your future development. The evening poses an ideal chance to ask any questions you may have and discuss programme options prior to making a application to commence study with us in the new year. Your will also get the opportunity to meet with current students and find out what college life is really like in DBS.

For information our lecturing staff and their achievements and specialist areas, please visit our website for information on our Academic Schools and Staff.

We look forward to meeting you.


DBS Open Evening
Drop in Service in Aungier Street Building
13/14 Aungier Street, Dublin 2

If you are unable to attend our Open evening, please be aware that you can call into the Aungier Street building, Monday to Friday from 8.45am - 5.15pm to consult with our Admissions team.

You do not need to make an appointment. You can also contact us on 01 4177500 or by email to

Why not contact us today with your questions and take the first step towards your academic development.

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