18,000 jobs can be created in digitisation
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For further information, call the Admissions Office on 01 4177500 or email momentum@dbs.ie

Read what our current MOMENTUM Students are saying about DBS

"Being unemployed for a while, I felt drained and tired of the situation. I kept dropping into my local job centre and picking some numbers to ring for work, but I never got a reply. My local employment officer told me about the MOMENTUM initiative. Initially I agreed as felt I had nothing to lose and that it might give me some new skills. I left school at sixteen, so at forty five this was a bit daunting. When I started the course at DBS however I began to realise that this was my second chance, an opportunity to basically return to studying. I just got stuck in, reading and working hard. Dublin Business School is a fantastic College and the staff are friendly and always there if you need them.  I would recommend DBS and the MOMENTUM courses to anyone who has been out of work for a while and wants the chance to improve their situation".

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