Everything you need to know for starting at DBS in September 2015
Open Evening - Tuesday 18th August 2015
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Your DBS Accommodation Guide
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Your DBS Accommodation Guide
Top Tips for Your Dublin Accommodation Search

The DBS Student Services team can offer you advice and support when searching for accommodation in Dublin.  

Our full and up to date accomodation guide can be found here!

3 Top Tips for Your Dublin Accommodation Search

Be realistic in your search.
Open your mind to areas outside of the city. September and October are high demand periods each year for accommodation in Dublin so you may have to consider an area outside the city centre. Dublin is a small county with many commuter towns that are well serviced by quality bus corridors and commuter rail lines. Review maps of Dublin and cross reference them with Dublin Transport link maps to identify ‘Plan B’ areas for your search.

Don’t be passive in your search.
If you have a smartphone, download the daft.ie app and set up email alerts so that you are notified about new lettings and properties that come on stream daily. Be sure that you have an Irish phone number so that you are easily contactable. A phone call is more effective than an email. SIM cards are available in most phone retail stores in the city centre. Set up alerts via email on databases and check them daily so that you can stay ahead of the crowd.

Stay positive and exhaust all avenues.
A little bit of luck and a lot of hard work will get you the right accommodation at the right price. Advertise yourself as a potential roommate on offline noticeboards and online databases. Don’t dis-count newspapers as well as online platforms.

Accommodation Search Strategy


Many landlords opt for the newspaper over online databases to advertise their lettings. The Evening Herald is probably the best newspaper for accommodation listings. It comes out at midday each day. The Buy and Sell magazine is also worth checking out. It goes on sale every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and can be purchased in most newsagents.

Online Accommodation Databases

One of the most frequently used accommodation search engines is Daft.ie so it is up to date and regularly monitored. The website also offers the “search by college” function within its “advanced search” function and allows you to post your own advertisement via the ‘Team Up Database’. Find a list of property search sites to help strengthen your search. 



www.myhome.ie - Student section





www.collegeliving.ie - a list of student residences

Please read the guide available at this link about how to securely search online databases:http://www.daft.ie/safety-online  

Online and Offline Notice Boards

There are many people in the same situation as you. Put up a notice on the DBS Accommodation Board in the Aungier St. campus on the ground floor. As mentioned above, ‘Team Up Database’ on Daft.ie is another potential space to connect with others in search of accommodation.

What to Expect?

Expect a Quick Turnover

Adopt the approach of ‘the early bird catches the worm’. Do not passively send emails and wait for the return call. Make the phone call and follow up as quick as possible.  

Communicating with Landlords  

It is wise to prepare ahead of time so that you do not miss opportunities. Our advice is that you email documents to yourself and forward them when requested. You may be asked to supply the following when connecting with landlords and/or potential roommates:

References (previous lettings, employers, college/ academic, character reference)

  • Bank Details
  • PPSN
  • Utility bill

Location, Location, Location

It would be fantastic to land your dream accommodation in central Dublin but there are many alternatives with strong commuter lines via Dublin Bus, Rail or Luas. To save on travel costs, register for a student travel card or purchase a Leap Card. The Dublin Bike scheme is also a very convenient way to travel in the city and cut down on commuting time - http://www.dublinbikes.ie/.


Short Term Options:

Home Stay Host Family Options 

Hosts are typically located on the outskirts of the city but are always well serviced by bus and rail links. The International Relations Executive Maria Rubio also provides information on other accommodation options for students coming to Dublin to study. Please email: maria.rubio@dbs.ie for further information.

DBS Self-Service Accommodation Search Connect Notice Board

We encourage our students to network with one another and search together. You can place your own advert on our DBS accommodation notice board on campus. State what you are looking for and provide a suitable means of contact. This way, you might be able to team-up with another DBS student in a similar situation to yourself.  


Barnacles Temple Bar  http://barnacles.ie/

Avalon House: http://www.avalon-house.ie/ 

Kinlay House: http://www.kinlaydublin.ie/

Abbey Court www.abbey-court.com

Citi Hostels www.citihostels.com

Four Courts Hostel www.fourcourtshostel.com


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