Read What our Students Say....
The First 100 Days
Your first 100 days are critical to adapting and thriving in college. In DBS we have developed a programme which, through physical and online resources, allows you to fully adapt to college life.

This is a cross college collaboration, with Student Experience, Lecturers, Library, Student Union and Careers providing the tools and support to help you at the start of your college journey...Read more.
Student Testimonial
"I thoroughly enjoyed the course owing to the modern learning environment provided at DBS and the lecturers were very approachable. The college itself is also situated in the heart of Dublin allowing for a vibrant college experience with all the conveniences of City Centre in close proximity." - Aaron Jackson, BA (Hons) Psychology

Read more from Aaron's interview here.
Fresher’s Week at DBS
If you would like a taster of what's to come for Fresher's Week 2017, why not take a look at what our students got up to last year?

The fun started on Monday with a Games Day, Live DJ and Movie Night in Castle House. Tuesday was Clubs and Societies Sign Up Day, where students could sign up to any of the numerous clubs in the college. On Tuesday night, we had Nando’s to ourselves for DBS’ second Nando’s Lock In event...Read more.