The End of an Era as classes come to an end
Spotlight on Student Services Part 2: Why Choose DBS
Drop in Service in Aungier Street Building
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The End of an Era as classes come to an end
Joys and memories as years at 2nd level come to a close


As lockers are emptied and yearbooks are signed, many of you will be spending your final days in secondary school this week.


Congratulations on everything you have achieved to date and all your hard work will hopefully result in exam success in upcoming weeks. While it can seem that there is a world of difference between 2nd and 3rd level education, there are many good habits developed in secondary school that will be essential to surviving colllege and ensuring that you are celebrating graduating once more in 3 or 4 years time.


  • Note taking: Good note taking is essential at 3rd level. There are no textbooks or copybooks and all references will have to be further researched to develop ideas and opinions for your assignments. Ensure you are noting the date, page and source for all quotations and notes and early development of good referencing habits will be essential in years to come.


  • Attendance and punctuality: You are not in school anymore, so you are responsible for getting yourself to lectures or group work, collecting any missed notes or assignments and any additional requirements of your course. HEA reports directly links student attendance with achievements at graduation, so it is essential to attend class regularly to achieve at 3rd level.


  • Team Spirit - don't abandon the sport: DBS believes that students need to balance work and play. Therefore we have an excellent range of sports clubs and societies to allow students to relax and enjoy themselves, take regular exercise and meet new people while they excel in the classroom.


  • Know when to ask for help: you may no longer see your favourite teacher walking down the hall or may be living away from home, but our student services department are always available for any personal or academic issues you may have, while our Library staff offer classes to assist you in essay writing, researching and referencing. It's vital to know that support is there when it is needed.


  •  But there are differences also - you can say goodbye to uniforms!


For more information on the facilities at DBS, please visit the DBS website. Alternatively, please contact the admissions office by email or by calling 01 4177 500.

Spotlight on Student Services Part 2: Why Choose DBS
Our Wefare Officer Caitriona McGrattan discusses why DBS is the best choice for 3rd level study

Following on from last week's interview, here our Welfare officer discusses what makes DBS unique, choosing colleges and provides tips for exam times that we offer our students to help them maximise their results.


What makes DBS stand out amongst other colleges, in your opinion?

I think DBS has lots of great things going for it;

-Our location; you can’t get more city centre than us!

-Our staff; the lecturers in DBS are so passionate and enthusiastic about their subjects

-Our Sports and Societies; call me biased but I think that we offer students a great extra-curricular experience with everything from badminton to basketball and psychology to skydiving


What advice do you give to anyone choosing their college this year?

Chose to study something you enjoy; that’s the advice I was given when I was picking my course and I’m glad I followed it! Over the next three or four years you will have a love/hate relationship with your course and ultimately it will be your passion for the subject and the dedication and support from your college that will get you through.


Finally – you deal with students all the time; tips for exam period?

Another piece of advice that I was given before the LC was to avoid doing post-mortems after the exam. Talking about what question you did, or what answer you got won’t change how well you did so why upset/frustrate yourself. Once you put your pen down at the end of the exam be happy that you gave it your best shot and move on to the next one or to enjoying the summer.


Caitriona McGrattan works as part of our student services team who cater exclusively for students needs. One of the department’s main roles is the facilitation of personal and academic development. To learn more about our Student Services department and our undergraduate programmes at DBS, please visit the DBS website

Drop in Service in Aungier Street Building
13/14 Aungier Street, Dublin 2

In addition to our Open Events, DBS Admissions office operate a drop in service in our Aungier Street building, Monday to Friday from 8.45am - 5.15pm. This allows you to consult with our Admissions team about your options for third level studies.

You do not need to make an appointment. You can also contact us on 01 4177500 or by email to

Why not contact us today with your questions and take the first step towards your academic development.

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