Now Accepting applications for September 2016
DBS Open Evening: Tuesday December 6th
Springboard+ is now OPEN at DBS!
Which course is for me?
What FREE courses are running in Spring 2017?
How to apply
Eligibility requirements
Springboard+ Infographics: The Facts in Pictures!
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Contact Us

For further information, call the Admissions Office on 01 417 7500 or email

How to apply

Please complete the following steps in order to be considered for your FREE Springboard+ course place;

  • Visit
  • Choose Dublin Business School as the provider (NOTE: if applying for ICT courses only – click box ‘Show only ICT conversion courses’ as this will narrow down results)
  • Choose the course(s) of your interest (NOTE: You can apply for more than one course)
  • Create an account with a password and fill out your profile details
  • Apply for chosen course(s)
  • We will follow up with an email requesting that you email the following documentation to

1. All Academic Transcripts and certificates from any previous studies/courses attended
2. CV (outlining your education and experience to date)
3. Copy of your passport or driver’s license
4. Verification of a social protection payment.  **

For example a recent payment slip, a copy of an application for PTEO/BTEA; a letter from DSP confirming your social protection status (signing for credits, any other form of social welfare etc.)

** Please note this is not required for the Higher Diploma ICT courses

5. For applicants whose first language is not English or where full-time study has been conducted in a language other than English, an IELTS score of a minimum of 6.0 or equivalent is required.
6. A copy of your Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB ) Card for Non-EU applicants currently residing in Ireland

(Alternatively you can post the documents to Dublin Business School, Admissions Office, 13/14 Aungier St, Dublin 2.)

Please note that there are limited places available on all programmes. Those applicants who provide all the relevant supporting documents will be allocated places on their chosen programme on a first-come first-served basis, subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria. 

If we do not receive all of the above information, your application will not be progressed and you could potentially miss out on an offer of a place

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