Feature Article
Open Evening September 11th

DBS would like to invite you to our Open Event in our Aungier Street campus on Tuesday, September 11th from 5 - 7pm. This is an ideal opportunity to get more information on Springboard+ programmes available at DBS.

Whether you are thinking of applying for a programme, have applied for a programme or just want to learn more about this excellent initiative; this is your opportunity to visit the college, find out about the Springboard+ 2018 initiative and the DBS courses on offer, and meet with DBS lecturers and staff to discuss the course of your interest. 

Read: Top reasons to attend an Open Evening.



Accepting Final Applications for September 2018

*Now open to applications regardless of your employment status, entry & eligibility criteria apply on all courses


Springboard+ programmes are starting in two weeks, we are now taking final applications.


Dublin Business School (DBS), in conjunction with the Higher Education Authority (HEA) is delighted to announce, that as part of the Springboard+ 2018 initiative, we will be offering more Government Funded Springboard+ programmes in the areas of ICT, Data Analytics, Digital Marketing, IT & Fintech among others.


Our programmes are fully accredited by Quality & Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and span Levels 7 & 8 on The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), to suit applicants with a range of prior qualifications and experience.


All programmes are scheduled to start in late September and are now open for applications through the Springboardcourses.ie website (entry & eligibility requirements apply for all courses). We will offer both part-time and full-time options, with courses delivered in our City Centre campuses.


Places are awarded on a first come - first served basis, subject to meeting entry and eligibility criteria, so get your applications in fast!


*Now open to applications regardless of your employment status, entry & eligibility criteria apply on all courses


Springboard+ is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.


What is Springboard+?

The Springboard+ initiative offers free full-time and part-time courses at Certificate and Degree level.

All courses lead to qualifications in enterprise sectors which are growing and need skilled personnel, including information and communications technology (ICT); international financial services; and cross-enterprise skills such as digital marketing. 


The programmes listed below are open to anyone, in employment or unemployment, subject to meeting the entry and eligibility criteria


Part Time Programmes

Certificate in Cloud Platform Development Level 7

Certificate in Digital Marketing Level 7

Certificate in Fund Accounting Level 7

Certificate in Marketing and Information Technology (MarTech) Level 7* (Starting January 2019)

Certificate in Regulatory Technology (RegTech) Level 8*  (Starting January 2019)

Diploma in Big Data for Business Level 7


Full Time Programme

Higher Diploma in Science in Financial Technology (FinTech) Level 8


The below 2 year part-time programmes are open to people in employment, subject to meeting entry & eligibility criteria


Higher Diploma in Data Analytics (Part time) [2 Years Part-time] Level 8

Higher Diploma in Science in Financial Technology (FinTech) [2 Years Part-time] Level 8

Higher Diploma in Science in Computing (Software Development) [2 Years Part-time] Level 8

Higher Diploma in Science in Computing (Web & Cloud Technologies) [2 Years Part-time] Level 8

Higher Diploma in Science in Computing in Development Operations (DevOps) [2 Years Part-time] Level 8*  (Starting January 2019)


*Subject to validation

For further information on Springboard+ DBS course offerings, entry requirements, eligibility criteria and application procedures visit the DBS Springboard+ page or the Springboard+ website.

Events & News at DBS
Student Testimonial

"I applied for a number of colleges and I got accepted to every course I applied to and was eligible for. I chose DBS.

This led to one of the most enjoyable times of my life. I met new friends, learned so much and at the end of it got a placement in the same company I work in now, in a job that I love and feel I’m very good at." - John O'Sullivan, Springboard+ Higher Diploma in Computing.

Read more from John's interview here.

Are you eligible?

DBS offers a range of full and part-time courses under Springboard+, some of which are designed for people in receipt of social welfare, and some are open to people who are currently working.

Click here to see a list of all eligibility criteria, and if you have any questions our Admissions Team are available on (01) 4177500.

Places fill fast, so apply as soon as you can.

Irish Education Awards

DBS has been named the winner of the top award at the National Education Awards 2018 for Overall Excellence in Education. The prizes were awarded at a Black Tie gala dinner in the Ballsbridge Hotel in Dublin. DBS had been nominated in 5 categories, picking up the award for Best College of Business along with the overall prize.


Read the full story here.