Next DBS Open Event: December 4th 2012: 5-7pm
DBS Corporate Newsletter November 2012
Recent Appointment to Dublin Business School
Collaboration for Innovation
Innovation - A Success Story
New Year's Resolution 2013: CPD
The Growth of Professional Accountancy
DBS Open Day - December 4th
The Future Is In The Cloud
Our Students Think DBS Is The Business
Contact DBS

For further information, email Shane Healy or phone (01) 4177544

DBS Corporate Newsletter November 2012
What Is In This Issue?
Welcome to the latest issue of the Dublin Business School corporate newsletter. I hope you have a few minutes to look at some of the things that are happening in Ireland's leading independent third level institution that may be of interest to you, your colleagues and your organisation.

We are delighted to welcome a new colleague to the DBS management team. Denise McMorrow has joined us as Head of Careers & Student Services and will be proactively engaging with employers such as you in the coming months to keep you informed of developments in the careers area.

In what has become a topical area in the last number of years, DBS would like to hear from you with ideas of collaborative interest. A wonderfully successful example of which has been the Bachelor Degree in Retail Management in conjunction with Lidl. We are an institution which can make an innovative idea a reality for your organisation and I will be delighted to discuss further with you during our Open Day on December 4th or at any other time.

We have a wide range of professional evening diploma, degree, postgraduate and professional accountancy programmes available in our spring 2013 intake beginning in January & February and we will be delighted if you could assist us in promoting the opportunities available by making the poster (that was included in the post to you yesterday) visible to your colleagues.

We are extremely happy to have placed over 100 Higher Diploma in Science in Computing students as interns with industry partners over the last number of weeks and for those of you who have collaborated in that project, we are extremely grateful and look forward to another initiative in 2013 through the Higher Education Authority. Details on some of the general ICT programmes available in the college are outlined below.

Finally, the day that every student looks forward to took place last week for almost two thousand DBS 2012 graduates in the RDS. You may recognise some of your colleagues among those happy faces that make the effort all worthwhile.

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