Feature Article
Evening Degree Programmes
DBS have a wide array of part-time programmes on offer across the areas of Business, Computing, Law, Media and more. You will find a selection of our courses below, or visit our website for a full course listing. 

BSc (Hons) Computing - Part-time

BA (Hons) Social Science - Part-time

BA (Hons) Psychology (PSI accredited) - Part-time

BA (Hons) in Marketing - Digital Media - Part-time

Bachelor of Laws (Hons) LL. B - Part-time

BA (Hons) Journalism - Part-time

BA (Hons) Business Information Systems – Part-time


Our Admissions Team are on hand to answer your questions, call us today on (01) 4177 500 or email admissions@dbs.ie

QQI Accredited Programmes at DBS

Did you know that all Degree, Postgraduate and Masters Programmes at DBS are accredited by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)?


QQI are an awarding body that set standards for awards made in the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), a framework through which all learning achievements are measured in Ireland. Because all NFQ qualifications are quality assured, learners can be confident that they will be recognised at home and abroad...Read more.



Life at DBS

Want to know what life at DBS is really like? We’ve put together a taster video, featuring DBS alumni Rob Kearney, Natalya Coyle and Padraig Harrington, to highlight all of the greatest aspects of student life at DBS. Check out the video here or click below.


DBS Overview


Events & News at DBS
Student Testimonial

Richard Buggy is a graduate of the BA (Hons) Psychology (Part-Time)

"Personally, I found the whole experience challenging (but manageable) and extremely rewarding. The lecturers are extremely knowledgeable, supportive and encouraging. 
The location & facilities are excellent and I made some great friends there!".

Read more about Richard's time in DBS here.

Part-Time Study

Here are some of the reasons why you should consider part-time study:

- Gain a competitive advantage in the workplace by enhancing career prospects & employability
- Enhance existing qualifications
- Receive career focused education that you can put into practice on a daily basis.
- Enhance your CV and up-skill in a particular subject area
- Maintain a healthy work/life balance by studying two evenings per week...Read more. 

Call in to see us!

Feel free to call in to our office in Aungier Street any time between Monday to Friday, 8.45am - 5.15pm to speak to the Admissions Team.


They can guide you through our range of courses to help you decide on the one that's right for you.

You can also contact us on (01) 417 7500 or admissions@dbs.ie.