Next Open Event: Tuesday 3rd December, 5-7pm
Open Evening: Tuesday 3rd December 5-7pm
Go further with DBS - Postgraduate courses commencing in January 2014
Why do a Postgrad?
DBS Drop In Service
Professional Accountancy courses at DBS commencing February 2014
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For further information, call the Admissions Office on 01 4177500 or email

Why do a Postgrad?
It is necessary for a particular qualification - Increases in technology and specialisation within the Irish economy mean that postgraduate qualifications in business are increasingly necessary.

To get a better job and make more money - The HEA (Higher Education Authority) shows that, on average, people with postgraduate qualifications have higher employment rates and starting salaries than those with only primary degrees. In particularly competitive career areas, or when applying for mangerial positions, a postgraduate qualification can help a candidate stand out from the crowd.

Soft Skills - Many recuiters value the soft skills gained during a postgrauate course just as highly as the actual knowledge obtained.

To progress a current career - A postgrad course will impart the lastest techniques and  technologies in your industry.

To gain training for a new career- Many graduates change career direction, either because of redundancy, or because they simply want to take a new direction in their career.
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