Accepting Applications for September 2014
Changed your mind about your CAO choices?
Last Minute Study Skills
DBS Societies
Career pathways at DBS!
Your DBS Student Experience
Open Evening - Tuesday 10 June
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DBS Full Time Undergraduate Newsletter



Changed your mind about your CAO choices?

The CAO facility for new applications for September 2014 is now closed.  For current CAO applicants the ‘Change of Mind’ system is open until 1 July 2014.

If you are making changes to your CAO application, CAO recommends using the Change of Mind Facility. You can make changes to your application by logging into your CAO Account using the 'My Application' section of the website.

For further information on the CAO application process or to learn more about our programmes, please contact the Admissions Office on (01) 4177500 or by emailing

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Last Minute Study Skills

For students sitting their Leaving Certificates in June, you are feeling under pressure, you might not know where to start. Below we have provided some tips for you to help you to get started and make the most of the time you have. 

Comparison is Rejection

Try to avoid comparing yourself with your classmates. This is never a good idea for two reasons. 1. If they are doing more than you you’ll end up feeling bad about yourself and 2. If they are doing less than you, you’ll get complacent.

Make a plan

With up to 10 subjects to cover it’s important not to leave anything out. Get a big sheet of paper and plan out your schedule week by week. Make sure to give your weakest subjects more time and do not prioritise any one subject at the cost of others.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Active study is key. Don’t just sit there reading notes or books over and over.

The early bird catches the worm

People study better early in the morning. Try get up at 7am on a Saturday morning and you’ll have half a day’s work done by breakfast. This is a great way of reducing stress as you’ll finally feel like you’re getting loads done. Try it, even just once!

Mnemonics are your friend

A mnemonic is where you use a set of words to help you remember a more difficult set of words.

It’s good to talk

Group study can be a really good way of getting through some difficult topics. Get a friend to test you on a particular topic and you’ll find that it’s way easier to remember something when you have communicated it with someone else. Being social is also really good for reducing stress levels.

Take a break

Humans were not designed to concentrate for hours on end. Your study will be much more productive if you do it in lots of short burst rather than long marathon sessions. Watch your favourite TV programme or call your friends, whatever helps you unwind. Just make sure you go back to your desk before too long!

The internet - friend or foe?

If you’ve got as far as sitting down to study you may as well switch off all distractions. That means checking Facebook, texting or taking calls should be avoided until your breaks.

Get Organised

NOW is the time to get your notes in order. The last thing you want is to be wasting time looking for revision materials the night before the exam.

Get to know the marking schemes

Understanding how marks are awarded can bring you up by a grade. You will quickly learn how to improve your answering technique.

PMA, that’s positive mental attitude!

Being in a positive frame of mind makes a big difference when studying. Remind yourself of how much you have done already. Self-confidence is one of the most important ingredients for doing well.


Best of luck!



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DBS Societies

Joining a society is a great way of meeting new people with similar interests and making friends that quite often last longer than your time at college. Here at DBS it is very easy to join an existing society or set up a new society.

It is generally accepted that if more than 30 students are interested in forming a new society, then they will be formally ratified as an official DBS society by the college. Societies are normally set up at the start of each academic year in advance of member sign-up day which occurs during Freshers' Week. However some societies can be set up throughout the year as new students realise they have common interests and wish to set up a new society.

If we don't have a society that suits your interest then speak to our Sports and Societies Officer who can advise you of the steps that you need to take to set up your Society upon arrival at DBS.
A taste of some of the societies available to students at DBS are:

  • The Film Society
  • The Law Society
  • Radio DBS
  • The Surf Society
  • The Psychology Society
  • The Drama Society
  • The African Society
  • The Dance Society
  • The LGBT Society
  • Snow Sports Society
  • The Poker Society
  • The Equestrian Society
  • The Muslim Society
  • The Malaysian Students Society
  • The Literary Society
  • The Christian Union
  • Pilates Society
  • ‘Lidl Bit of fun’ Society
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Career pathways at DBS!
Now that you have taken the first steps to applying for a course of study at DBS it is time to think about your next steps. Our programmes can support you on the pathway to the career of your choice.

Career opportunities for recent graduates have included:
BA (Hons) Arts - Graduates are currently working in the film, radio and theatre industries. Further pathways include teaching, lecturing, advertising, business, the health services, the government and a range of other areas.

BA (Hons) Psychology - Graduates have progressed into areas such as social and cultural studies. A postgraduate qualification is normally required if graduates are to find work as a professional psychologist.

BA (Hons) in Business - Business graduates have progressed into careers in marketing, sales, operations, information technology, finance and general management.

Bachelor of Laws (Hons) - For those wishing to train as a solicitor or barrister. Graduates also have progressed to careers in social sciences, politics, the media and public services.
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Film Society_Freshers' Week 2011 023
Your DBS Student Experience

At DBS our focus is on empowering students to grow and thrive academically, emotionally, physically and socially.

Because we believe that happy, healthy students make successful, fulfilled students, DBS works to provide a wide range of student services, support facilties and sports and social opportunities to promote a work/ life balance during your time at college.

Some of the services available to you at DBS include:

The ultimate goal when undertaking any third level qualification has to be improving your career and employability prospects. DBS has a dedicated careers and appointments service that is available to both full and part-time students at the College.

The Trendance Graduate barometer is an independent survey that is conducted annually. The survey looks at graduates' preferences and priorities when selecting a first employer after graduation and examines their strategies when looking for information about potential employers. In the most recent survey, the DBS Careers and appointment service scored above the national average for careers services in 12 out of 15 categories. This illustrates the dedication and commitment of the college staff in aiding our students to obtain meaningful employment.

The careers and appointments office offers the following services to our students and graduates:

•Workshops on employability skills, preparing CVs, cover letters and interview preparation skills

•One to one appointments with careers advisor

•Presentations from employers

•Careers intranet service

•Aungier Street library also houses a collection of career-related material


For further information on the DBS careers and appointments services, please contact the careers team by email at


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Open Evening - Tuesday 10 June
Visit us from 5.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.

DBS are holding their next Open Event on Tuesday 10 June 2014 from 5.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.

Our Open Events are an ideal opportunity for you to visit the college and obtain further information on all our Full Time Undergraduate Degree programmes and speak with industry specialist lecturers to identify the programme that is most suitable for your future development.

For information on our lecturing staff and their achievements and specialist areas, please visit our website for information on our Academic Schools and Staff.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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