Read What our Students Say....
Student Testimonial

Shravan Kumar is from Gopalganj in India and recently graduated from the Master of Science (MSc) in Information Systems and Computing at DBS.

"I very much enjoyed studying in DBS and the flexible timetable  ma​de life easier. They focus more on practice than theory; and it is a great place to explore and focus on your career."

Read more from Shravan's interview here.

Student Testimonial

Liam McFadden completed a Master of Business Administration in Finance with DBS. 

"The course was a fantastic blend of academic material and real life financial and business material. The opportunity to interact and contribute to the class was something that really benefited me and added that extra value to the course."

Read Liam's full testimonial here.

Call in to see us!

Call in to our office in Aungier Street any time between Monday to Friday, 8.45am - 5.15pm to speak to the Admissions Team.

They can guide you through our range of courses to help you decide on the one that's right for you.

You can also contact us on (01) 417 7500 or