Now Accepting applications for September 2016
DBS Open Evening: Tuesday December 6th
Springboard+ is now OPEN at DBS!
What courses are running in Spring 2017?
Springboard+ Infographics: The Facts in Pictures!
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What courses are running in Spring 2017?

We have just opened applications for the following programmes, so get your application in fast! 

For people who are receiving the various accepted Social Welfare payments (as listed on the Springboard+ website), the following courses are available (part-time):

  • Springboard+ Diploma in Big Data for Business
  • Springboard+ Certificate Digital Marketing
  • Springboard+ Certificate in Fund Accounting
  • Springboard+ Certificate in Programming

The following courses are also available full-time only for people receiving the various Social Welfare payments accepted by Springboard:

  • Higher Diploma in Science in Data Analytics
  • Higher Diploma in Science in Computing (Software Development  Stream)
  • Higher Diploma in Science in Computing (Web & Cloud Technologies Stream)
  • Higher Diploma in Science in Computing (IT Infrastructure & Networking Stream)

The following courses are available both full-time and part-time to people currently in emploment:

  • Higher Diploma in Science in Data Analytics
  • Higher Diploma in Science in Computing (Software Development  Stream)
  • Higher Diploma in Science in Computing (Web & Cloud Technologies Stream)
  • Higher Diploma in Science in Computing (IT Infrastructure & Networking Stream)

Classes will begin, depending on the course, between the last week of March & the first week of April.

As places are limited, please be aware that applications are accepted on a first-come first-served basis and your place is not secure until you complete the Springboard application process in full and accept your place after you receive your offer.

For further information on Springboard+ DBS course offerings, entry requirements, eligibility criteria and application procedures visit the DBS Springboard+ page or the Springboard+ website.

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