Feature Article
Full-Time Undergraduate Programmes

DBS have a wide array of full-time undergraduate programmes on offer across the areas of Business, Computing, Law, Media and more. You will find a selection of our courses below, or visit our website for a full course listing. 

BA (Hons) Computing

BA (Hons) Business Studies

BA (Hons) Marketing 
BA (Hons) Psychology 
BA (Hons) Journalism 
BA (Hons) Social Science 
BA (Hons) Film

Bachelor of Laws (Hons) LL. B


Our Admissions Team are on hand to answer your questions, call us today on (01) 4177 500 or email admissions@dbs.ie

Open Evening December 5th

DBS are holding an Open Evening on Tuesday December 5th in our Aungier Street campus between 5 and 7pm. 

Our Open Events are an ideal opportunity for you to visit the college and obtain further information on all our Full-Time Undergraduate Programmes. With programmes ranging from Psychology, to Business, to Computing, to Law, we offer courses across a wide variety of disciplines. You can meet lecturers, students and staff at the open event. 

Read: 5 Reasons to attend a DBS Open Day.


Fresher's Week Round Up
Fresher's Week at DBS took place at the start of term, and our new group of students enjoyed lots of fun activities including bowling in Leisureplex, a student Fresher's party in Xico's, a burrito eating competion with Pablo Picante's and Clubs and Socs Sign-Up day.

Orientation Week was also jam packed with activities such as go karting, a trip to the Guiness Storehouse and a student quiz night. We also had hundreds of free pizzas delivered to the students in Castle House all week, along with unlimited free ice-cream in case anyone was still hungry.

Make sure to follow the DBS Student Experience page on Facebook for updates and information on all of the events happening throughout the year. 

Clubs and Societies at DBS

DBS Sports Clubs

At DBS we believe happy, healthy students do better in their studies, that’s why we strive to provide a wide range of quality sporting activities to suit everybody’s tastes. Sport in DBS has enjoyed a history of great successes in a variety of sports, from soccer to basketball, cricket to sailing and many more.

DBS Societies

Societies are groups of students that have a common interest. Examples of popular societies in previous years within DBS are the Surf Society, Psychology Society, the Film Society, Drama Society and the Poker Society. Joining a society is a great way of meeting new people with similar interests, and making friends that quite often last longer than your time in college.

Read all about the Clubs and Societies on offer at DBS, and how you can get involved here. 

Events & News at DBS
Student Testimonial

“The course was extremely rewarding, due to its challenging nature and helpful lecturers; and it was extremely comprehensive due to its practical assignments.

I believe this degree has given me the skills not only to work in the film and media industry, but to progress in life and achieve my future goals.” - Isabel Oliver, BA in Film and Media

Read Isabel's full testimonial here. 

Student Services

Students are the primary focus of DBS, and we realise that there is a lot more to college than what goes on inside the classroom.

The welfare of our students is of the utmost importance and the dedicated Student Services Department caters exclusively for student needs. In DBS we take a holistic view to college life, integrating academia with a stimulating social scene...Read more.

Contact us

If you have any questions about your CAO application or our Full-Time Undergraduate courses at DBS, our Admissions Team is here to provide you with the guidance that you need. Students can contact the DBS Admissions Team on admissions@dbs.ie or call (01) 4177500. 

If you would like to schedule a School Visit, please call (01) 4177500 or email schools@dbs.ie