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Courses start 26th January 2015

DBS is delighted to announce that we are offering 5 FREE education and training projects as part of the MOMENTUM initiative in the areas of Accounting and Finance, Business Studies, Marketing, Advertising, Sales and PR, Project Management and Tourism Management and Marketing.

Our suite of MOMENTUM projects range from 28 to 32 weeks in duration with students typically attending classes 31 hours per week over a 5 day period between 9-5pm. The taught project is followed by a 10 week work placement or 14 weeks for the under 25’s with a host company to allow the participant to further develop their skills, make a contribution to the employer and create an employment opportunity.

All courses commence 26th January 2015.

Projects are awarded by DBS or the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM).

MOMENTUM Projects at DBS:
These courses are ideal for those who want to update their skills and work experience, which will greatly enhance participants job prospects.
Participants are drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and experience.  Our learning environment in DBS is supportive, practical and inclusive.


Open Event at DBS
Tuesday 20th January between 5pm - 7pm

Our next Open Evening will be held on Tuesday 20th January 5pm - 7pm in our Aungier Street Building. It is an ideal opportunity for you to meet the academic staff and lecturers to discuss our range of MOMENTUM courses in detail, along with meeting our dedicated careers and admissions teams. It will also provide an opportunity to view the college facilities.

We hope to see you there!

Why not contact us today with your questions and take the next step towards re-skilling for FREE.

I did Momentum... Now I've started My Own Business
Peggy Kennedy tells us about her Momentum experience...

"When I got made redundant in the economic downturn, I found I needed to upskill to compete in today’s job market. Employers want candidates that are skilled for the role but who can also add value to their business. The Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations and Sales course offered by Dublin Business School provided the perfect solution for me.

The DBS lecturers provided valuable insight by sharing their own relevant business knowledge. The lecturers and career guidance staff assisted me to refocus my career objectives and job search techniques.

I found Dublin Business School helped me to get more than a qualification. Applying research skills learnt, I have now launched a new business venture called I provide marketing and administration services to businesses that are not in a position to afford a full-time paid position. Business trends researched showed that this ‘Shared Services’ Business Model is well positioned worldwide in today’s economy.

On completion of the course, I had the confidence to prepare a marketing and advertising campaign and to present a sales pitch in a business environment. More importantly, I learned how to market myself and optimise my online presence. I became my own first marketing client."

Peggy Kennedy, 
MOMENTUM Graduate 2014

If you would like to upskill for free in the area of 
Marketing, Advertising, Sales and PR, click here

Life after MOMENTUM
Mark O'Brien tells us how the course helped him find his perfect job

“Prior to joining the GradIreland team in July 2013, I had been unemployed for some time. A business venture failed to take off and I was at an all-time career low. I knew that I needed to up-skill. After some market research I found that my best chances of employment would be found through finishing an online digital marketing course with MOMENTUM, and the best institution for this was Dublin Business School. There is a great atmosphere in the college and the staff are very helpful, friendly and approachable. The course content was excellent and very relevant to today’s market place. My work placement at the end of the course was with gradireland and I am still here today.”

Mark O'Brien, 

MOMENTUM Graduate 2013 

Enterprise Ireland firms created over 19,000 new jobs in 2014

Enterprise Ireland client companies created 19,705 new jobs in 2014, a new record. The agency revealed in its end-of-year statement that firms reported the lowest level of job losses since 2000. Total direct employment (full and part-time) in Enterprise Ireland client companies stood at 180,072 at the end of 2014, out of which 156,202 are full-time and 23,870 are part-time. The agency said that this full-time employment level is the highest total employment level recorded in the history of Enterprise Ireland. It said that client companies recorded the lowest level of job losses since 2000. For the second year in a row the Internationally Traded Services & Software Sector recorded the strongest net jobs growth of some 2,092 jobs.

More jobs on the way

“We are very proud of the record performance of our clients right across the country,” CEO Julie Sinnamon said. “The level of increased employment achieved is remarkable and endorses the strategy we have embarked on to 2016. We continue to relentlessly focus on ensuring the right supports are available for clients at every stage of growth. This focus, coupled with our priority to support entrepreneurship across the regions, and develop strong, export focussed, ambitious Irish companies that can win new business, will mean even more jobs for Ireland over the next 12 months.”

The key word here is ‘innovation’

2014 saw the implementation of a new strategy that resulted in 31 Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) going operational in April. Equipped with regional Competitive Feasibility and Start Funds the aim of the LEOs is to ensure a consistent level of support for start-ups and small businesses. Firms that qualified for Competitive Start Funds spanned a range of areas including financial services, ICT, games, software, cloud technologies, agri tech, travel, e-commerce, healthcare and wellness, food, med tech and pharma. A key aspect of this development was the number of graduate entrepreneurs applying for funds. Eight high potential start-ups (HPSUs) were supported in 2014 and the Food Works 3 start-up programme attracted over 125 applications from start-ups. Some 10pc of HPSUs invested in 2014 originated from State-funded research.

The rise and rise of female entrepreneurs

Enterprise Ireland revealed that 43 of the 183 start-ups supported in 2014 were led by female entrepreneurs. Enterprise Ireland’s two biggest export markets continue to be the US and the UK and it expects growth to continue. However, it warned that a weaker Euro area is a threat to global growth. The agency said that it is targeting exports of €3bn in 2015 and is growing its staff by an additional 20 people. Enterprise Ireland client companies secured more than 1,300 new customers around the world, 40pc from high growth markets. Firms established 455 new presences in these markets. HPSU companies scored 131 new international reference customers last year. Enterprise Ireland’s Research and Innovation division established its New Frontiers programme in the various Institutes of Technology and last year worked with 137 entrepreneurs to grow their businesses.

A considerable coup for med tech companies was a US$16m partnership that Enterprise Ireland brokered with the prestigious Mayo Clinic. Two new Technology Centres – focused on Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Financial Services  - were established, bringing to 15 the number of Technology Centres across Ireland. Leadership development programmes like Access Silicon Valley, Leadership 4 Growth and the International Selling Programme benefited some 645 companies and 1,170 individuals.

The strong performance was welcomed by the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, who said: “Today’s announcement that companies supported by Enterprise Ireland created a record 8,476 extra jobs in 2014 is a huge boost. “This is the best performance in the history of the Agency, and great credit is owed to Julie and her staff for this excellent performance. Every job created in an Enterprise Ireland company supports an additional job elsewhere in the economy, through supply and service businesses, so the impact of this on communities across the country is massive.”

If you are interested in upskilling for free in these areas click here

How do I apply for a MOMENTUM project?

Applications for all MOMENTUM projects commencing in January 2015 are currently being accepted.

For further course information, entry requirements, eligibility criteria and application procedures visit or contact the DBS Admissions Office directly on (01) 4177500 or by emailing

To apply please contact your local/ nearest Employment Services Office to confirm your eligibility and get assistance in identifying a suitable project. Alternatively contact us at DBS to register your interest.  MOMENTUM is administered by FÁS and funded by the Department of Education & Skills through the ESF supported Labour Market Education & Training Fund (LMETF). 


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Student Support at DBS
You will have resources during your period of study such as:
  • A dedicated Programme Leader who is responsible for the overall management and development of the relevant project and the management and support of participants on the project
  • A range of learning support services to accommodate the participant such as: Careers Office, Employer Liaison Officer, Student Services Office, Work placements and State-of-the-Art Libraries, Learning and IT Facilities
  • A pool of qualified academics/trainers with extensive industry experience in all sectors who can provide participants with guidance and support in re-entering employment in their chosen sector
  • Established links with awarding bodies such Institute of Commercial Management (ICM)
  • Dublin city centre campuses located on Aungier Street, South Great George’s Street (Castle House), Balfe Street and Dame Street
  • The ability to provide the MOMENTUM programmes participants with e-learning support facilities, such as Moodle. By moving some parts of the programme online, lecturers can create a learning environment which enables better use of scheduled face-to-face time with adult learners enabling the development of more complex learning skills such as critical thinking, during face-to-face time
  • Online access to vast library resources
  • Strong connections with both indigenous and international organisations with whom we have worked with over the past 38 years. 

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