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Shane Healy, Corporate Development Executive
Shane Healy, Corporate Development Executive
DBS Corporate Newsletter November 2012
What Is In This Issue?
Welcome to the latest issue of the Dublin Business School corporate newsletter. I hope you have a few minutes to look at some of the things that are happening in Ireland's leading independent third level institution that may be of interest to you, your colleagues and your organisation.

We are delighted to welcome a new colleague to the DBS management team. Denise McMorrow has joined us as Head of Careers & Student Services and will be proactively engaging with employers such as you in the coming months to keep you informed of developments in the careers area.

In what has become a topical area in the last number of years, DBS would like to hear from you with ideas of collaborative interest. A wonderfully successful example of which has been the Bachelor Degree in Retail Management in conjunction with Lidl. We are an institution which can make an innovative idea a reality for your organisation and I will be delighted to discuss further with you during our Open Day on December 4th or at any other time.

We have a wide range of professional evening diploma, degree, postgraduate and professional accountancy programmes available in our spring 2013 intake beginning in January & February and we will be delighted if you could assist us in promoting the opportunities available by making the poster (that was included in the post to you yesterday) visible to your colleagues.

We are extremely happy to have placed over 100 Higher Diploma in Science in Computing students as interns with industry partners over the last number of weeks and for those of you who have collaborated in that project, we are extremely grateful and look forward to another initiative in 2013 through the Higher Education Authority. Details on some of the general ICT programmes available in the college are outlined below.

Finally, the day that every student looks forward to took place last week for almost two thousand DBS 2012 graduates in the RDS. You may recognise some of your colleagues among those happy faces that make the effort all worthwhile.

Denise McMorrow
Denise McMorrow
Recent Appointment to Dublin Business School
Denise McMorrow joins Dublin Business School as Head of Careers & Student Services

Denise has over 17 years extensive careers, recruitment, training & development experience with large multinational, SMEs, employment and educational sectors. She is an experienced Project Manager with a passion for client relationship building.

How can DBS Careers & Student Services Help You?

Advertising Job Vacancies
Are you seeking skilled, competent and well rounded students and graduates who can add immediate value to your organisation?

DBS Careers & Placements Service works in partnership with employers including multinationals, SMEs, and local organisations across all sectors to assist employer recruitment needs. Employers can advertise graduate vacancies, internships, summer work and casual part-time work with our service.


Careers Fairs & Events in Dublin Business School

We organise targeted career fairs and events on campus in our city centre locations. Connecting with class groups and promoting your opportunities is an effective way to raise awareness of your organisation and the type of qualifications, skills and experience you are seeking.


Visiting Employer Programmes: On Campus Presentations / Exhibition Stands

Make presentations on campus to help recruit competent, highly-educated and well-rounded DBS students and graduates from a wide range of programmes.


Become a Mentor to DBS students

Student engagement is at the heart of DBS Student Development. You might be willing to offer advice to our students. There are a range of options available including e-mentoring and one-to-one mentoring programmes.



To avail any of these opportunities, please contact Denise McMorrow and she will be happy to provide further information. Tel: 01-4177528
DBS Would Like To Hear From You
DBS Would Like To Hear From You
Collaboration for Innovation
Ireland Ranked 9th of 141 Countries in 2012 Global Innovation Index

A topic currently at the forefront of the Government's innovation strategy is collaboration between industry and academia. Forbes magazine recently rated Dublin in the top 7 cities worldwide to start a business. The Global Entrepreneuship Monitor (GEM) indicated levels of entrepreneurship in the country are much higher than that of many of our European neighbours. However, the recent KPMG Innovation Monitor 2012 reported that more than half of all businesses feel there isnt enough information available for those wanting to collaborate with academic partners on an innovation project. Less than one in six companies are currently doing so. 


Dublin Business School is proactive in this regard and the college would like to help overcome this disconnect by engaging closer and sharing experience with industry partner organisations such as yours. With this in mind, we would like to invite you and your colleagues to attend the DBS Open Evening on Tuesday, December 4th, from 5 to 7pm. It is an opportunity to meet Directors, academic and non-academic staff of the college, view the facilities Dublin Business School has to offer and sample some of the knowledge and expertise available in the college. It is also an opportunity to realise the collaborative opportunities available between your organisation and the country's leading independent third level institution.

We look forward to welcoming you and your colleagues and hearing your ideas.

Irish and Leinster rugby heroes and DBS students Leo Cullen and Rob Kearney
Irish and Leinster rugby heroes and DBS students Leo Cullen and Rob Kearney
Innovation - A Success Story
DBS In Conjunction With Lidl Re-Launch BBS in Retail Management

The HETAC Bachelor of Business in Retail Management is an example of successful collaboration between DBS and industry, in this case with the German supermarket chain, Lidl. The programme, which commenced in 2007, comprises three levels of complementary, integrated theoretical and practically applied modules delivered over 36 months. There are rotating blocks of formal academic learning with real work-based application by doing. Each college based learning block is followed immediately by workplace application and experience. Each student is sponsored by Lidl and receives a salary.

The programme features a rich learning environment that involves trainees in comprehensive analysis of business organisations, functions, processes and management techniques with particular emphasis on the retail sector. It is underpinned by a comprehensive work-based training programme which allows trainees to put into practice what they have learned in college. The partnership between Lidl and DBS provides graduates with a blend of knowledge and skills to equip them initially for employment at deputy store management level.

Total programme duration is 36 months/3 years
Work-based learning is 18 months (5 X 16 week terms)
College-based tuition is 18 months (5 X 16 week terms)

This has been a fantastic success story for both DBS and Lidl and if your organisation would like to look at similar initiatives with DBS, please do contact us directly or dial 01-4177544.
Will 2013 Be A New Start?
Will 2013 Be A New Start?
New Year's Resolution 2013: CPD
DBS Professional Evening Diplomas

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a valuable investment. Performance improvement is continuous and is driven in most cases by the needs of the organisation. It is an investment which has a measureable dividend for your organisation - added value to the capability of your staff through an increase in professional knowledge, skills and personal qualities necessary for the execution of duties. Put simply, it improves competence.


DBS recognises the importance of increased staff competence and we have a suite of Evening Diploma programmes which will appeal to your organisation's needs and requirements. They offer an opportunity to add to personal, technical and commercial knowledge and are offered in the following disciplines:

  1. Arts
  2. Business
  3. Information Technology
  4. Law
  5. Media
  6. Psychology

Why not make 2013 the year in which your organisation potentially makes its most  profitable investment.

Accountants Rule The World
Accountants Rule The World
The Growth of Professional Accountancy
DBS Approaching 1000 National & International Prize Winners

Accountancy is seen as a steady employer in Ireland even in the current economic climate. The accountancy representative bodies have  indicated optimism for job opportunities for their rapidly growing body of members.  Growth in areas such as FMCG and ICT sees new opportunities for accountants and accounting graduates being provided.


DBS is the provider of choice by many organisations for ACCA, CIMA and FIA/CAT tuition for their staff. See why these organisations trust DBS to build futures one success story at a time:

For further information on all of the Professional Accountancy programmes the DBS Professional School can offer your organisation and why DBS has an unrivalled reputation in the area, please visit our web site or contact Shane Healy :

DBS Open Day - December 4th
All Welcome

Come along to one of our upcoming Open Events and find out more about your area of interest.  Academic and Admissions staff will be available to speak with you directly.


We will be holding our next Open Event in our main Aungier Street building on Tuesday 4th December from 5 to 7pm.

The Future Is In The Cloud
Is Your Organisation Taking The Necessary Steps To Keep Up With The Competition?

Cloud Computing is the most important technological shift of its time and the future of business communications. The business environment we are operating in is a rapidly changing and highly competitive one and embracement of the tools and technology to stay ahead of the competition is paramount.


Dublin Business School has been a successful provider of innovative ICT programmes for many years, and with our newly developed computer labs in our Castle House Campus on George's Street, we can offer the unique combination of state of the art equipment and programmes coupled with modern facilities and talented, creative and experienced lecturers.

To see the full suite of programmes that could be the kick start your organisation needs, click on the link below:

Take Your Hat Off To Our 2012 Graduates
Take Your Hat Off To Our 2012 Graduates
Our Students Think DBS Is The Business
2012 Conferring Ceremony

Dublin Business School prides itself on promoting a work-life balance and providing tailored support services to help our students obtain their qualification. At our 2012 conferring ceremony held in the RDS last week, some of our two thousand graduating students gave an insight into evening study at DBS.

"The MBA was a logical step in my career. My deliberate plan from the beginning of the experience was not to remain in my comfort zone i.e. the familiar world of finance but instead to do something completely different. It worked. It gave me new vistas, opened a new window of opportunity, broadened horizons and boosted my confidence. Choosing a part-time evening postgraduate course allowed me to combine work with study and it has been a satisfying experience for me. Theoretical knowledge has helped to solve work problems and work experience has informed my research. All in all, it has been a winning formula. This was also the situation with regard to my dissertation. The choice of topic was influenced by my service as a committee member on a management board of a non-profit-making organisation, where I work on a voluntary basis. Researching a real life problem, striving to achieve the goal has been instrumental in my growth.   Overall, the DBS MBA programmes takes you on a voyage of self-discovery, which starts with the improvement of cognitive skills and continues to developing communication, leadership and team work skills. It is a motion in spiral and spiral in motion, and even when the program is finished, it only indicates a new beginning…"
Galina Vasilieva - MBA

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