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DBS Student Testimonial: Michael Kelly
DBS Student Testimonial: Nadia Paruk
Spotlight on: MBA's (recognised by MBAAI)
Postgraduate Opportunities at DBS
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DBS Student Testimonial: Michael Kelly
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

"It was 10 years since I completed my degree so I felt I needed to refresh my skills. I chose the Master of Business Administration (MBA) as it covered every aspect of business management. The core modules were very relevant and are essential in today’s business world... The location of the college is central and easy to commute to, and after researching many institutions DBS was continually coming out top of the list. The open day was extremely beneficial and helped me make up my mind to complete the MBA here."

"The modules are well presented and formatted and the delivery from the lecturers is first class. There is a willingness to genuinely help the student...The methods learned in the modules have been applied in my place of employment and the techniques from project management and marketing modules have helped in my daily applications and improved my stature within my company. The confidence I gained from the completion of the course has been transferred to my current role and I believe completion of the MBA will lead to progression in my career... The lecturers were extremely knowledgeable and approachable which made the learning experience more pleasurable."

"Any expectations I had before I completed the course were surpassed. I am extremely happy I completed a course in DBS and would recommend to anyone looking for further their education."

To read more from Michael and other DBS students click here.
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