Now Accepting applications for September 2015
Springboard+ at Dublin Business School
Open Evening
What is Springboard+?
2015 Springboard+ Brochure
How do I apply for a Springboard+ programme?
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Reskill or Upskill for FREE at Dublin Business School



Springboard+ at Dublin Business School

Having previously applied to Dublin Business School (DBS) for a Springboard+ course, please be advised that you may be eligible to apply for an additional course offering under the Springboard+ 2015 initiative.

We are delighted to be offering 17 FREE programmes across the areas of Information & Communications Technology (ICT), Cloud Computing, Data Management & Analytics, Financial Services, Innovation Management, Digital Marketing, International Business and Project Management as part of the Springboard+ 2015 initiative that was jointly launched by the Minister of State for Skills, Research and Innovation Damien English T.D and Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan T.D in May 2015.

Applications for Autumn 2015 are now being accepted. All Springboard+ 2015 applications are subject to meeting the Springboard+ eligibility criteria and course entry requirements.All programmes are due to commence in September 2015.

To find out more and to apply go to or contact the DBS Admissions Office directly on (01) 4177500 or by emailing

We are hosting a Springboard+ open evening on Thursday 13th August from 5-7pm, and you are very welcome to attend

For all course entry requirements download our 2015 brochure.

Springboard+ participants can study for free without losing their social protection entitlements, and there is no minimum period of time in which participants are required to have claimed social protection payments.

Get on course to get back to work with Springboard+ at DBS! Apply online today via the Springboard+ website
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Open Evening
13th August 2015
DBS are holding a Springboard+ Open Event on Thursday, August 13th 2015 from 5.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.

Our Open Events are an ideal opportunity for you to visit the college and obtain further information on all our Springboard+ Programmes and speak with industry-specialist lecturers to identify the programme that is most suitable for your future development. There will be a short presentation about Springboard+ and ICT Skills programmes, as well as an opportunity to speak with past students, lecturers and admissions staff. 

If you have any questions or queries in the meantime please contact Fiona Reynolds on (01) 4170635 or Sinead Dunphy on (01) 4177544.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Register here.
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What is Springboard+?
The Springboard+ initiative in higher education offers free, part-time courses at certificate, degree and masters level. All courses lead to qualifications in enterprise sectors which are growing and need skilled personnel, including information and communications technology (ICT); manufacturing; international financial services; and key skills for enterprise to trade internationally. Qualifications are also available in cross-enterprise skills such as innovation, enterprise/entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and project management.

For further information on Springboard+ DBS course offerings, entry requirements, eligibility criteria and application procedures visit the DBS Springboard+ page or the Springboard+ website.
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2015 Springboard+ Brochure

For further information on Springboard+ at DBS, programme content and course entry requirements download our 2015 brochure.

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How do I apply for a Springboard+ programme?
Applications for all Springboard+ programmes commencing in September 2015 are currently being accepted.

Applications for programmes are made online via the Springboard+ Portal

To find out more contact the DBS Admissions office directly on (01) 417 7500 or email
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