Feature Article
Courses commencing in September 2019

We are now accepting applications for the September 2019 intake. Courses available include:


MSc in Data Analytics

MSc FinTech

MBA - Project Management 

MSc International Accounting & Finance

MSc Marketing (Digital Media)

BA (Hons) Audio Production & Music Project Management

BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance

BA (Hons) Marketing

BSc (Hons) Computing

BA (Hons) Financial Services


For a full listing of courses available to international students, please click here.


Reasons to Study a Postgraduate Course with DBS

In today’s competitive job market, a postgraduate qualification can help differentiate candidates to prospective employers. Not only will it look great on a CV, the skills, expertise, knowledge, and networking opportunities you will gain from studying a master’s degree will stand to you for the duration of your career. 


Dublin Business School specialises in the provision of contemporary postgraduate courses in the areas of Arts, Business, and the Humanities. Recent additions to our programme range include the MSc in FinTech, the MSc in Digital Marketing and the MSc in Data Analytics. We have many other postgraduate programmes on offer, including the Master of Business Administration which has a number of streams to choose such as Finance, HRM, Marketing and Project Management.


Click here for more information.

84% of Irish companies struggling with skills shortages - survey

As reported by RTE a new survey shows that 84% of Irish organisations said they were grappling with skills shortages, an increase on the 81% reporting difficulties last year.

The survey of 500 companies was conducted by CIPD Ireland, the umbrella body for Human Resources and learning and development. CIPD Ireland's survey shows that the worst affected sectors include IT, customer services and financial services.

Mary Connaughton, director of CIPD Ireland, said it is clear that the internal talent pipeline is a critical issue for its HR colleagues across the country.


Click here to see the full article.

Events & News at DBS
Entrepreneurship Students Visit Guinness Enterprise Centre

Our EDHEC students from Paris made a recent visit to the Guinness Enterprise Centre, a not-for-profit centre where innovative and ambitious companies go to get their businesses off the ground. The group of students, who are studying Entrepreneurship at DBS, got to enjoy a morning of presentations from the enterprise centre’s manager and an exciting French gaming start-up.

Bachelor of Laws (Hons) LL. B

Law School attracts some of the most intelligent, ambitious and successful members of our society year in, year out. Notable names to have studied law include former US President, Barack Obama and his wife and first lady, Michelle Obama, American actress and film producer, Sigourney Weaver, the first female president of Ireland, Mary Robinson, and Italian singer/songwriter, Andrea Bocell.  


Read more here

DBS Volunteer Socitey

Good luck to all of the hardworking staff and students from Dublin Business School who are currently on their inaugural DBS Volunteer Abroad Programme to Tanzania working with local charities there.


Keep an eye on the DBS Volunteer Soc page for more updates ✅