Choose Dublin Business School for your Full time Degree
Apply now via the CAO!
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Open Evening - Tuesday 12 May 2015
Studying in Ireland
Course Focus: BSc (Hons) Computing
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For further information, contact the Admissions Office on (01) 4177500 or via email:

Apply now via the CAO!
Apply online now at

For students applying from Northern Ireland you will need to apply via the CAO entry system. This is the Irish University and College entry system and it is the equivilent of UCAS.

Applications can be made through the CAO This facility will remain open until the beginning of May.

Don't forget to include DBS on your list of preferences, we have courses available in Business, Arts, Law, Psychology, Film, Computing and lots more! 

The full list of full-time undergraduate programmes available at DBS can be viewed here. For further Information please contact the admissions office at DBS on or (003531) 4177 500

Apply now! 

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