Next DBS Open Evening: Tuesday 12th March, 5-7pm
Don't wait in line. Reskill for FREE with DBS.
Top Five Tips for Job Seekers
18,000 extra jobs can be created in digitisation
How do I apply for a MOMENTUM project?
Focus your talent
Next DBS Open Evening 12th March 2013
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For more information, email or phone 01 4177500

Don't wait in line. Reskill for FREE with DBS.
The Irish Government has unveiled 333 measures they hope will help create tens of thousands of jobs. Under the Action Plan for Jobs 2013 employers will be paid 25% of the cost of a worker for 2 years if they recruit a long-term jobseeker.

DBS under the MOMENTUM initiative is offering long-term jobseekers the opportunity to reskill or upskill for FREE under a range of courses identified as providing training that will improve the future skills of the economy, in a range of business areas where sustainable levels of employment may arise as the economy recovers. Participants can study for free without losing their social protection entitlements.

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Top Five Tips for Job Seekers


  • Invest time in drafting a good CV
  • Be prepared – use your free time time to acquire new skills and be ready!
  • Get involved – by meeting new people opportunities can arise. Our Student Services Team are ready to assist you.
  • Use your past experience to demonstrate your ability
18,000 extra jobs can be created in digitisation
Taoiseach Enda Kenny has said Ireland could benefit from 18,000 extra jobs if it kept pace with the “digitisation” levels of neighbouring EU countries. The Internet economy is predicted to double in revenue by 2016 if current trends are maintained and Irish companies are urged to get involved in internet selling. A challenge Mr Kenny said is to “have the education process and young people be [made] aware of the potential of huge job numbers there over the next number of years.”

Digital skills are very important in todays jobs market. Having these skills can open up more career opportunities you. DBS is delighted to offer a range of courses in IT, Marketing and Online and Digital Strategy. Previous experience or qualifications in the areas is not necessary.


View our suite of free courses offered as part of the MOMENTUM initiative here.

How do I apply for a MOMENTUM project?

Applications for all MOMENTUM projects commencing in Spring 2013 are currently being accepted. 

To apply please contact your local/nearest Employment Services Office to confirm your eligibility and get assistance in identifying a suitable project.

For further course information, entry requirements, eligibility criteria and application procedures visit or contact DBS Admissions Office directly on 01 4177500 or by emailing


Focus your talent

Dublin Business School has partnered with Cut-e to offer a unique opportunity for MOMENTUM students and employers. We offer strong assessment processes and feedback tools on behavioural competencies style and career match aptitudes that will significantly enhance the career guidance, personal development, employer engagement and interview skills of participants in order to maximise the work placement and employment opportunities.

What can you expect?


  • Help to re-train, re-skill or cross-skill for new jobs in growing sectors.
  • Graduates will emerge with cutting edge - cross enterprise skills
  • Access to a range of quality education and training projects
  • Relevant industry & professional certification
  • Work placement and support
Open sign
Next DBS Open Evening 12th March 2013

DBS would like to invite you to our next Open Evening on Tuesday 12th March from 5-7pm in our main Aungier Street Building, 13/14 Aungier Street, Dublin 2. This event is an excellent opportunity for you to experience DBS for yourself.

As well as experiencing our outstanding facilities and getting a feel for life at DBS, you will have the opportunity to meet the academic and admissions staff and have any questions you may have answered about MOMENTUM at DBS, our MOMENTUM suite of project offerings as well as information regarding the admissions procedure, eligibility criteria and important next steps.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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