Higher Education becomes increasingly important for gaining employment
Education at a Glance 2013: OECD Indicators Report
In todays labour market it has become increasingly important to set yourself apart from other people and increase your chances of gaining employment. But how can you do this?
A recent study by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) called Education at a Glance 2013: OECD Indicators , highlights the 'state of education around the world'. The report provides detailed data on the structure, finances and preformance of education systems in more than 40 countries worldwide.
The OECD highlight the importance of reducing the risk of unemployment, by obtaining a higher education. An increased demand in the labour market for more highly educated workers, means that having a higher education, results in better opportunities and an increase in earnings.
At DBS, we work closely with our students to increase their employability; by developing their communication, planning, leadership and multi-tasking skills. Our Career Services team have developed a combination of workshops, one-to-one advice and employer events. Our dedicated careers service will help you focus your ambitions on realistic career goals, while our placement officers use their specialist knowledge and contacts to help you find a placement that is right for you.
For more information on our Career Services team, and the Evening Degree programmes available at DBS, check our website. Alternatively our Admissions office operates a drop in service from 8.45 - 5.15 Monday to Friday in our Aungier Street building. We can be contacted on 01-4177 500 or by emailing admissions@dbs.ie
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