ICT Industry Leaders identify significant IT skills gaps in Irish workforce
A postgraduate qualification in the Information Technology area can significantly boost employability; providing valuable skills that can be utilsed in a current role, or support a move to another department or organisation
It has been identified by leading Irish Technology Organisations that there are still significant skills shortages in the area of ICT skills amongst school leavers and professionals in Ireland which is currently resulting in a large number of IT roles remaining unfilled in the jobs market; severly hindering productivity and competitiveness.
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Why Choose DBS?
1. DBS is Ireland's largest independent third level institution with a student population of more than 9,000.
2. DBS has proven expertise in designing and delivering educational programme to adult learners from a range of educational and experiential backgrounds.
3. ICT project participants will have a dedicated Programme Leader who will provide continuous guidance and learning support throughout the programme duration.
4. The college provides ICT course participants with a range of learning support services to accommodate learners such as; Careers & Appointments, Employer Liaison Officer, Student Services as well as state-of-the art Library and IT facilities and e-learning support.
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