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Springboard Open Evening at DBS
Springboard Open Evening Thurs 26th February at 5pm.

We will be hosting an Open Evening dedicated to our Springboard and ICT courses on Thursday 26th February at 5pm in our Aungier Street Building. This Open Evening will provide an ideal opportunity for you to meet the academic staff and lecturers to discuss our range of Springboard courses in detail, along with meeting our dedicated careers and admissions teams. It will also provide an opportunity to view the college facilities.

We hope to see you there!

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Springboard at Dublin Business School
Dublin Business School (DBS) in conjunction with the Higher Education Authority (HEA) under the Government ‘Springboard’ initiative is providing jobseekers the opportunity to reskill or upskill for FREE under a range of approved and accredited courses identified as providing training that will improve the future skills of the labour force, in a range of sectors where sustainable employment is predicted to rise as the economy recovers.

DBS is delighted to announce that it will be offering the following Level 7 & 8 Special Purpose Awards:

Certificate in Digital Marketing
Certificate in Advanced Networking and Cloud Technologies
Certificate in Database Development and Cloud Technologies 
Certificate in Software and Cloud Technologies
Certificate in Data Management and Analytics
Certificate in Business for Financial Services
Certificate in Advanced Project Management for the ICT Professional

Participants can study for free without losing their social protection entitlements, and there is no minimum period of time in which participants are required to have claimed social protection payments.

Get on course to get back to work with Springboard at DBS! Apply online today via the Springboard website.

Jobs recruiting hampered by lack of IT grads

A shortage of skilled IT and engineering graduates is limiting the ability of companies to expand their operations in Ireland, according to the chief executive of US software firm Kemp Technologies. Ray Downes said the skills shortage was worse in Ireland than in other countries, adding that there needs to be more dialogue between businesses and third level institutions about future needs. “We are committed to having an operation in Ireland for the long term,” he said. “How quickly we expand that operation will depend on getting suitably skilled graduates. We are adding 35 new roles across the firm this year and wanted to put 20 of those roles in Ireland, but may have to put them elsewhere. “We are having to import a lot of talent from other countries,” he added. “Companies are refocusing their effort for engineering and R&D staff abroad as a result.” Mr Downes said businesses should be talking to colleges and universities to explain what they need in terms of skills for the future. “Graduates here are coming out with generic skills,” he said. “There is not as much specialisation as we would like. Graduates in other countries have more specialisation. “In general, the colleges aren’t as quick as they should be to update curriculums. There should be more dialogue with business about the skills they need and their future needs.”

Eugene Garvin, a senior software development manager at Avaya in Galway, said many candidates can provide textbook answers on Java, OO, networking and web apps, but fail to complete a simple programming exercise. He said he has also seen a lack of basic knowledge of software testing practices, adding that many candidates struggled with basic questions around how they would test their applications. “It suggests that either a lightweight approach is being taken to software development in our third level institutions or the current candidates we are seeing are those who have struggled with the more complex aspects, particularly at a practical level,” he said. “IOS- or Android-based development, while valuable, is only one part of the software development spectrum,”Mr Garvin said. “A lack of strong back-end systems and algorithmic development will be an issue for the continued growth of the software development sector in this country if we don’t address it.” Justin Keatinge, founder of Version 1, an IT services company that employs more than 450 people in Ireland, said hiring staff was the company’s main challenge. Senior developers are especially hard to hire.“There is a global shortage of skilled IT workers,” he said. “The government has done a good job tackling issues such as visas, which helps. You can get a visa for an employee in two to three weeks now, whereas it used to take several months. They have also promoted STEM courses and courses to retrain people.Still, he said, “a lot more could be done to help us be more competitive. Rent is getting dearer, especially in Dublin, and that is a turnoff for people coming to Ireland. The income tax rate is also very high.”


Why not reskill or upskill for FREE in the areas of software development and data management with a Springboard course at DBS

An Extra Service
Our Admissions Team is available Monday to Friday 8.45 a.m. - 5.15 p.m.

We realise that you may have questions regarding our Springboard programmes. Please be aware that you may call into the Aungier Street building, Monday to Friday from 8.45 a.m. - 5.15 p.m. to speak with a member of the Admissions Team about your options.

You do not need to make an appointment. You can also contact us on (01) 4177500 or by email to

Why not contact us today with your questions and take the first step towards furthering your education this year.

Read what our Graduates have to say about Springboard at DBS

"Having been fortunate enough to gain a place studying Digital Marketing as part of the Springboard initiative at DBS I found myself enjoying the course from the start. The attitude of lecturers and students was immediately positive and encouraging, while the course content itself was thorough and enjoyable.

Gaining new skills and the general environment of encouragement certainly helped my own prospects and confidence with regard to future professional development.

I found the DBS city centre location convenient and vibrant. Overall, having seen my career benifit significantly both during and after my time at the college I feel that my participation on the course at DBS was an extremely rewarding and beneficial experience."

James Jennings, Certificate in Digital Marketing

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