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Happy Christmas to all from DBS
DBS Student Testimonial: Michael Saez, Philippines
DBS Student Interview: Varsha Ann Jacob, India
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For further information, call the International Admissions Office on +353 1 4177500 or email

Life at DBS
The DBS campus is in the heart of Dublin City Centre, three minutes walk from St. Stephen's Green, Grafton Street and five minutes from Temple Bar, Dublin Castle and the Ha'penny Bridge as well as the best shops and restaurants in the city. The college is served by all major bus routes, and is a four minute walk away from the St. Stephen's Green Luas stop. The college has a wide range of Clubs and Societies to help you mix with other students, and try your hand at a new hobby. There are also many trips organised so you can see more of this beautiful country. 

To find out what our students think of studying at DBS, visit our Student Testimonial page here.

Does this appeal to you? For more information on studying in Dublin contact We also have agents in many countries around the world who can help you with your application to DBS. To find your nearest agent visit our International Agents page on the DBS website.
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