Events & News at DBS
Student Testimonial: Marcelo Freire

International student Marcelo Freire has just graduated from DBS with a First Class Honours BA (Hons) in Business Information Systems. After spending three years working his way through college to support himself, and even running his own catering business, Marcelo is settling into his new role as Software Developer at SAP. We asked him about his experience of studying full-time at DBS and how he managed to balance his work and studies.

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Interview: DBS Business Review Launch

DBS Business Review is a new open access, annual academic journal published by Dublin Business School. Prior to the official launch of the journal, we interviewed Marketing Lecturer/Course Director and Editor in chief of DBS Business Review, Alan Morgan, and Head of Library Services and Managing Editor of DBS Business Review, Marie O’Neill, to find out exactly what we can expect from the academic journal.


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International Student Story: From China to DBS

Chinese student Daisy is new to DBS. She wrote about her experience of coming all the way from her hometown in China to study in Dublin.


'It has been two weeks since I came here from my hometown which is thousands of miles away from Ireland. There are tremendous changes in my life due to the different environment and living habits here. Thanks to DBS and my homestay family, I ultimately got used to the life here.'


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