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Career Zoo
Saturday 15th February (10am-5pm), at The Convention Centre Dublin, Spencer Dock, Dublin 1

DBS is delighted to be attending  Career Zoo on the 15th February from 10am to 5pm in The Convention Centre Dublin.

This event is is an ideal opportunity for you to obtain further information on our Full Time Undergraduate Programmes and to also speak with Dublin Business School staff to identify the programme that is most suitable for your future development.

To learn more about these programmes come along and meet the team at Stand No A12 this weekend.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Key Exam Tips
With the mock exams starting in the next few weeks, stress levels are high and the cramming has begun. We have compiled some tips to leave you as stress free as possible and help you pass the exams.

1. Don't stay up late revising the night before

2. Double check the details of the exam the day before

3. When you arrive at school avoid students who are asking each other questions

4. Read the entire exam paper before you start writing and take a deep breath

5. Stay to the end and avoid the post-mortem!

1. You will find it more and more difficult to retain the information that you are reading through later in the day. We recommend that you put your books away by 7 o clock the night before and take a couple of hours to watch television or meet up with friends. Your brain needs a rest! If your exam is in the afternoon then do some gentle revision the morning of the exam. Remember - at this stage, you should not be referring back to your text books, use the notes that you have compiled during your studying.

2. Ensure that you confirm the time and location of the exam the day before. Even if you are sure that you have these details correct already, it is easy to make a mistake when you have so many exams coming up. If you turn up at the wrong time and miss an exam, unfortunately you cannot do it at a later date.

3. If you get involved with students who are quickly asking each other questions and testing each other you may find it more difficult to recall the answer which will leave you demotivated before you've even seen the paper! Just because you cant remember the answer when sitting in a group who are feeling extremely tense and anxious doesnt mean that you wont remember the answer when faced with the same question on the exam paper. Remember, STAY CALM!

4. As so many exam papers are made up of a number of choices, it is important that you read the paper in full before you get started. This will enable you to ensure that you start with the questions that you are best at, thus motivating you and pushing you to keep going. If you start with a question that you are not confident with it may take you extra time which will result in you running out of time when it comes to your good questions. And don't forget to take a deep breath and relax!

5. Don't leave the exam early. Staying to the end allows you to read over your answers and spot any mistakes. It may also allow you to add information that you have forgotten. Once you leave at the end of the exam, we recommend that you make an agreement within your group of friends that you will not get into a discussion about what answers you provided for the various questions. If you discover that you didnt put the same answers as your friends it will leave you even more anxious and you will have more exams to follow. To help you to stay positive, avoid these discussions and look ahead to the next challenge. Remember that once you hand up the paper the result is out of your control.
Record numbers apply to CAO
CAO received a record 73,063 applications
The race for a college place is at its strongest ever after the CAO received a record 73,063 applications. The soaring number of CAO applications reflects record numbers of second-level pupils staying on to sit the Leaving Certificate, as well as a return to education by mature students. And encouragingly, more than nine of out 10 pupils are staying at school to complete their Leaving Certificate, according to a Department of Education study.
Next Dublin Business School Open Event: 11th March 5-7pm
Tuesday January 28th 5-7pm


Our next Open Event  will take place  on Tuesday 11th March from 5-7pm at 13 - 14 Aungier Street, Dublin 2.



Open events are an ideal opportunity for you to meet our lecturers, discuss our Full-Time Undergraduate programmes, your CAO options and view the facilities of the college.



Available on the evening will be the following services:


Admissions Team

School of Arts: Psychology, Social Science, Film & Journalism

School of Business and Information Technology

School of Law

Student Services



For details on parking facilties and transport, please consult our website

We look forward to meeting you soon!

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An Extra Service at DBS!
Our Admissions Team is available Monday to Friday 8:45 - 5:15

Please be aware that you can call into the Aungier Street building, Monday to Friday from 8.45am - 5.15pm and speak wtih a member of the Admissions Team about your options.


You do not need to make an appointment. You can also contact us on 01 4177500 or by email to

Why not contact us today with your questions and take the first step towards upskilling this year

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