Feature Article
DBX Class Nights Scheduled for Autumn 2017

DBX is an online learning experience that pushes the boundaries on what is possible in education today - by leveraging the latest thinking, the talents of the best lecturers and a thriving online community of students. 

The schedule of DBX classes is available on our website here, just click on the course you are interested in.

DBX programmes are taught wholly online through a live and innovative virtual classroom. Upon completion of your course of study, you will earn a qualification equivalent to the campus-based students to move your career to that next level.

We are delighted to launch DBX programmes in the following areas this Autumn;

Diploma in Project Management
Diploma in Management Studies
Diploma in Human Resource Management
Diploma in Selling & Sales Management
Diploma in Event Management & PR

Diploma in Digital Marketing & Strategy
Diploma in Company Law
Diploma in Employment Law

Applications are open now - Apply here.

14 Reasons to Choose DBX

DBX is the future of education, here's why:

1. Flexibility. You can attend these Professional Evening Diploma programmes from anywhere in the world.

2. DBX classes are live and interactive. You learn live with the lecturer and your peers, which offers the best learning experience unlike most other online classes which are recordings. It really is an online classroom, with everything from the classes and books, to the materials and notes, and even group work carried out online...Read more.

Student Testimonial: DBX
Tara Jane McKeown recently completed the DBX Online Diploma in Project Management. Here's what she had to say about the course...

"I really enjoyed the course and learnt a lot. It has given me more confidence with speaking within groups and in public. The course material was very clear, well structured and our lecturer Dermot Nolan was excellent and always on hand to answer any queries outside course hours."

Read more about Tara's DBX journey here.