Technology and computer skills are essential assets for all workers. Even if the career you choose does not focus solely on computers, the job you do will most likely require the use of computers and technology to accomplish tasks and process information.
There are now over 5,000 technology companies located in Ireland, ranging from start-ups and SMEs, to large international and multinational companies, with an ever-growing number of Irish owned multinationals.
According to The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs, Ireland is facing an average 5% a year increase in demand for ICT skills up to the year 2018. This means that the number of ICT professionals will rise to over 91,000 in Ireland alone. Across Europe (the EU 27), the conservative projected shortage for ICT professionals by 2015 is 372,000, and potentially as high as 864,000.
This wave of ICT innovation is driving demand for new ICT skills and abilities. The ICT sector needs people who can design, develop and deploy new applications and services. It also needs people with new combinations of skills, for example, Big Data requires a combination of skills, such as technology, statistics and business skills; Social Media needs a combination of technology and marketing skills.
(Source: CareersPortal)
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