8 reasons to choose DBS for part-time students
Ticking timebomb at the Ryder Cup between Europe and USA watch sponsors at Hazeltine
Focus on: Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Sales and PR
Contact Andrew Mooney for any Diploma queries
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Focus on: Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Sales and PR
Course Details
The Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Sales and Public Relations provides students with an introduction to marketing and promotional methods used in industry. On completion of this programme students should have a firm grounding in subject areas such as Marketing Theory & Practice, Advertising, Sales & Sales Management and Public Relations

The lecturing team will consist of lecturers who combine academic qualifications with substantial practical business and marketing experience. In addition, marketing professionals will be invited as guest lecturers to discuss practices in the industry. A wide range of teaching techniques, including lectures, videos, workshops, seminars, guest lectures, and case studies will form an integral part of the course.

On completion of this programme, students will have the knowledge and skills required to work in a variety of marketing and business positions such as marketing assistant, PR executive, advertising executive, customer relations or as a sales representative.

This Diploma is awarded by the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM). ICM was founded in 1979. ICM is now one of the leading professional examination bodies in the field of business and entrepreneurial education in Ireland and the UK, with corporate and student members throughout the world. The institute is committed to providing a range of global education, training and consulting services which raise standards for business and enable lifetime learning and professional status for individuals. 

Further Study
This Diploma is an ideal foundation for further studies on any of the business programmes within the College. For students interested in further study, upon successful completion of the Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Sales & PR, they may wish to progress onto the Advanced Diploma in Marketing or to an Evening Business Degree programme. The successful completion of the Diploma will entitle students to exemptions at Level 1 of some of the Evening Business Degree programmes at DBS(to progress to the degree programme students must meet minimum entry requirements for  the degree programme).

Course Fees
The fee for this Diploma is €2,000 this is inclusive of tuition, registration, exam fees and DBS library membership.

If you are interested in applying for this course APPLY ONLINE.

If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me on 01 417 0685 or email andrew.mooney@dbs.ie.
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