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Postgraduate Opportunities at DBS
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Postgraduate Opportunities at DBS

We are now accepting final applications for Postgraduate full-time and part-time programmes commencing in September 2016:

MSc in Marketing
MSc in Marketing (Digital Media)
MSc in Management Practice
MSc in International Accounting & Finance
MSc in Information Systems with Computing
MSc in Information & Library Management
Higher Diploma in Business

MSc in Applied Psychology
MA in Addiction Studies
MA in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (APPI recognised)
MA in Psychotherapy
Higher Diploma in Arts in Psychology (PSI accredited)
Higher Diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy 

A postgraduate qualification has many benefits, including the chance to:

  • Increase your salary
  • Build new Skills
  • Grow your Network
  • Develop/Change your Career
  • Improve your Employability
  • Broaden your Mind

To learn more about these programmes and to apply online, please visit our website


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