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DBS Hons. BA in Accounting and Finance Student Secures a Graduate Role in Deloitte Ireland
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DBS Hons. BA in Accounting and Finance Student Secures a Graduate Role in Deloitte Ireland

Sharjeel Ashraf is a DBS final year Hons. B.A in Accounting and Finance student.  He is actively engaged in DBS Clubs and Societies and is President of the DBS Cricket Society. Sharjeel is due to commence his trainee contract with Deloitte in Autumn this year.

In a statement to one of the DBS Careers Advisor's, Sharjeel contests ‘we are very lucky in DBS to have such a committed and helpful Career Development team, they are both professional and generous with their time. I was offered the chance to engage in an interview coaching session before my actual interview in which I practiced my responses with a trained professional, learned how to make eye contact, control my body language and how to ask effective questions at the close of the interview. My interview went really well because I could speak confidently about my key selling points such as being President of the DBS Cricket Society and my involvement in football.’ Sharjeel also comments - ‘the faculty at DBS is top-notch, I have been taught by individuals with vast experience in the professional world in renowned organisations and businesses.’ When asked what final piece of advice he had to share with current DBS students who are looking for summer internships and places on graduate programmes, Sharjeel states ‘do not confine your options to the Big 4. There are plenty of other firms like Baker Tilly, RSM, Grant Thornton, Mazars, B.D.O etc. in Ireland. It is the experience that you offer them that counts. I know people who worked in a smaller sized firm and still got offered a job in the Big 4. In Ireland, there are plenty of opportunities up for grabs.’

We wish him the best of luck in Deloitte and in his future endeavors! 

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