Next DBS Open Evening: Tuesday 11th June 5-7pm
Spotlight on Student Services Part 2: Why Choose DBS
Earn while you Learn - Apply for the Bachelor of Business in Retail Management with DBS and Lidl
Next DBS Open Evening:Tuesday 11th June 5-7pm
Drop in Service in Aungier Street Building
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Spotlight on Student Services Part 2: Why Choose DBS
Our Wefare Officer Caitriona McGrattan discusses why DBS is the best choice for 3rd level study

Following on from last week's interview, here our Welfare officer discusses what makes DBS unique, choosing colleges and provides tips for exam times that we offer our students to help them maximise their results.


What makes DBS stand out amongst other colleges, in your opinion?

I think DBS has lots of great things going for it;

-Our location; you can’t get more city centre than us!

-Our staff; the lecturers in DBS are so passionate and enthusiastic about their subjects

-Our Sports and Societies; call me biased but I think that we offer students a great extra-curricular experience with everything from badminton to basketball and psychology to skydiving


What advice do you give to anyone choosing their college this year?

Chose to study something you enjoy; that’s the advice I was given when I was picking my course and I’m glad I followed it! Over the next three or four years you will have a love/hate relationship with your course and ultimately it will be your passion for the subject and the dedication and support from your college that will get you through.


Finally – you deal with students all the time; tips for exam period?

Another piece of advice that I was given before the LC was to avoid doing post-mortems after the exam. Talking about what question you did, or what answer you got won’t change how well you did so why upset/frustrate yourself. Once you put your pen down at the end of the exam be happy that you gave it your best shot and move on to the next one or to enjoying the summer.


Caitriona McGrattan works as part of our student services team who cater exclusively for students needs. One of the department’s main roles is the facilitation of personal and academic development. To learn more about our Student Services department and our undergraduate progammes at DBS, please visit website. Alternatively you can contact the admissions office by email or by calling 01 4177 500.

Earn while you Learn - Apply for the Bachelor of Business in Retail Management with DBS and Lidl
Applications closing 31st May 2013 - apply today


With the application facility for the Bachelor of Business in Retail Management at Dublin Business School in conjunction with Lidl now open students have the ideal opportunity to participate in an internationally recognised business degree programme where learning takes place both in the classroom and on the job, with tuition fees and a salary paid throughout the programme.


DBS has teamed up with one of Ireland's fastest growing retailers to offer ambitious students an opportunity to work and study while developing their future career.


The course is split 50/50 between college-based learning and work-based learning. The college-based learning takes place in Dublin Business School’s city centre campus and you will receive your work-based learning in a Lidl training store located in the Republic of Ireland, ideally close to your home town.


Students will study key business and marketing subjects which are directly linked to work-based application and 'learn by doing' opportunities in a workplace environment. Subjects studied include:

  • Retail Principles
  • Management
  • Services Marketing
  • Consumer and Buyer Behaviour
  • Business and Company Law

Upon completion of this programme, students will not only graduate from their degree programme, but will have an excellent chance of being offered a permanent Deputy Store Manager contract immediately.


Applications can only be made online via the Lidl Degree website, and applications close May 31st 2013, so immediate application is advised. For further information on this programme, please visit the DBS website or contact our admissions team on 01-4177500

castle hose
Next DBS Open Evening:Tuesday 11th June 5-7pm
Discuss all programmes commencing in 2013

If you were unable to attend our last Open Evening, the next one will take place on Tuesday 11th June from 5-7pm in our Aungier Street building.

The Open Evening is an ideal opportunity for you to visit the college and obtain further information on our Full-Time Undergraduate programmes and speak with industry specialist lecturers to identify the programme that is most suitable for your future development. The evening poses an ideal chance to ask any questions you may have and discuss programme options prior to making a application to commence study with us in the new year. Your will also get the opportunity to meet with current students and find out what college life is really like in DBS.

For information our lecturing staff and their achievements and specialist areas, please visit our website for information on our Academic Schools and Staff.

We look forward to meeting you.

Drop in Service in Aungier Street Building
13/14 Aungier Street, Dublin 2

DBS Admissions office operate a drop in service, where you can call into into the Aungier Street building, Monday to Friday from 8.45am - 5.15pm to consult with our Admissions team.

You do not need to make an appointment. You can also contact us on 01 4177500 or by email to

Why not contact us today with your questions and take the first step towards your academic development.

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