Feature Article
Programmes at DBS
graduate scrolls

DBS have a wide array of programmes on offer for International students across the areas of Business, Computing, Law, Media and more. You will find a selection of our undergraduate and postgraduate courses below, or visit our website for a full course listing. 


Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Science (MSc) Digital Marketing*

Master of Science (MSc) International Accounting & Finance

Master of Science (MSc) Marketing

BA (Hons) Business – Full-time

BA (Hons) Film – Full-time

BA (Hons) Social Science - Full-time
BSc (Hons) Computing - Full-time

Our Admissions Team are on hand to answer your questions and guide you through the application process, call us today on +353 (1) 417 7500 or email international@dbs.ie

Open Evening December 5th
Are you in Dublin? Then come along to our next Open Event on Tuesday December 5th, between 5 and 7pm in our Aungier Street building. 

International Students can study any of the Full-Time Undergraduate or Full-Time Postgraduate Programmes on offer at DBS, including courses in Business, Finance, Marketing, Computing, Media and Law. For a full list of programmes available to International Students, visit the International Students section on DBS.ie.

International Student Story: From China to DBS

Chinese student Daisy is new to DBS. She wrote about her experience of coming all the way from her hometown in China to study in Dublin.


"It has been two weeks since I came here from my hometown which is thousands of miles away from Ireland. Since I got used to life here, I have felt happy and satisfied every single day. I like the bright and cold weather and the multi-culture here. Ireland is a multinational city where you can see people from all over the world playing different roles. 


In terms of my studies here, I’d like to mention that some teachers are really humorous and very generous. They give us vivid lectures and listen patiently to our questions. Also, I like the library here, it’s warm and well organised. I feel comfortable staying here for study."


You can read Daisy's full story in both Mandarin and English here.

QQI Accredited Programmes at DBS

Did you know that all Degree, Postgraduate and Masters Programmes at DBS are accredited by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)?


QQI are an awarding body that set standards for awards made in the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), a framework through which all learning achievements are measured in Ireland. Because all NFQ qualifications are quality assured, learners can be confident that they will be recognised at home and abroad...Read More.



Events & News at DBS
Student Interview

Preetam Biswas is from Mumbai in India and recently graduated from DBS with an MBA.

"This course has given me international exposure. I am currently doing an internship which is giving me experience in the digital media field, I got this job from the Careers Fair held in DBS"

Read more from Preetam's interview here.

Careers Service at DBS
Our Careers Team prepare and help our students to find employment through many different ways, including Careers Fairs, guest speakers and one to one careers advice.
The dedicated DBS Careers Team give one to one support to students to successfully find placements and jobs. On average 20 students per week avail of this service, which is free and open to all during the academic term. 

For more on how our Careers Team can help you, see here.

Call in to see us!

Call in to our office in Aungier Street any time between Monday to Friday, 8.45am - 5.15pm to speak to the Admissions Team.

They can guide you through our range of courses to help you decide on the one that's right for you.

You can also contact the Admissions Team on +353 (1) 417 7500 or admissions@dbs.ie