Study part-time at DBS!
Upcoming Open Evening at DBS
Study part-time at DBS
DBS Student Testimonial: Hazel O'Carroll
Business, Marketing and Law Degrees at DBS
DBS Student Testimonial: Richard Buggy
Arts and Psychology Evening Degrees at DBS
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Study part-time at DBS

There are many good reasons to study part-time at DBS, including:

  • Gain a competitive advantage in the workplace by enhancing career prospects & employability
  • Enhance existing qualifications
  • Receive career-focused education that you can put into practice on a daily basis.
  • Enhance your CV and up-skill in a particular subject area
  • Maintain a healthy work/life balance by studying two evenings per week
  • Develop both academically and professionally (enhanced skills such as communication, leadership skills, listening skills)
  • Personal development and self-actualisation felt when you obtain a recognised degree qualification.
To find out more about studying in DBS, to apply, and to see the courses on offer including Business Studies, Accounting and Finance, Marketing and Psychology, visit our Evening Degree page on the DBS website. You can also visit our Open Evening on Tuesday December 6th, from 5pm-7pm in our Aungier Street building.
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