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Entrepreneurship on the Rise
32,000 people in Ireland set up a new business in 2013, with 85% of them expecting to become employers.

The latest Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report found that one in eleven of the adult population are engaged in some form of early stage entrepreneurial activity.
It also reported that, “the pipeline of future entrepreneurs also looks very strong as those indicating that they intend to start a business in the next three years increased significantly in 2013″.

The rate of early stage entrepreneurial activity is at its highest level since Ireland first became involved in GEM research in 2000. The country is now ranked second across the European Union, the Netherlands is in the top spot.

22% of early stage entrepreneurs expect to employ 10 or more people after five years.

Minister for Jobs, Richard Bruton welcomed the publication of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: “As a Government we stated a clear ambition for Ireland to be among the most entrepreneurial nations in the world and acknowledged as a world class environment in which to start and grow a business.”

The GEM report also examines the gender aspect of entrepreneurial activity in Ireland. There are now 1.4 times as many men as women who are new business owners. Minister Bruton said, "I am delighted to see that men and women in increasing numbers are becoming new business owners.”

It also found that 13% of early entrepreneurs expect to have 75% or more of their customers in overseas markets.

Prepare now for the necessary skills for your future career and consider a Postgraduate Course at DBS.


Next DBS Open Event: Tuesday 19 August

We are holding our next Open Event on Tuesday 19 August, 4.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.

Our Open Events are an ideal opportunity for you to visit the college and obtain further information on all our Postgraduate programmes and speak with industry specialist lecturers to identify the programme that is most suitable for your future development.

For information on our lecturing staff and their achievements and specialist areas, please visit our website here.

We look forward to seeing you there.

An Extra Service
Our Admissions Team is available Monday to Friday 8.45 a.m. - 5.15 p.m.

We realise that you may have questions regarding our Postgraduate programmes, or the application process. Please be aware that you may call into the Aungier Street building, Monday to Friday from 8.45 a.m. - 5.15 p.m. to speak with a member of the Admissions Team about your options.

You do not need to make an appointment. You can also contact us on (01) 4177500 or by email to

Why not contact us today with your questions and take the first step towards furthering your education this year.

mature student
How can postgraduate study further your career?
If you choose carefully, a postgraduate qualification will help boost your career potential.

Whether you're an undergraduate contemplating staying in higher education or a professional considering a return to study, if you're thinking about postgraduate study then you're not alone.

A specialised dimension

A postgraduate qualification can give your undergraduate degree a bit of extra clout by adding a more specialised dimension. For example, a business and finance degree followed by postgraduate study in accounting shows a clear development of academic interest. This in turn tells a potential employer that you're a focused individual with highly developed research skills. If this study has the added value of professional recognition, exemption from professional exams or even work experience, then it has the potential to enhance your job applications further by demonstrating commitment and insight within a specific field.

For some professions – for example Law, Accountancy, Teaching, and Academia – further study is essential, while in other areas, such as Marketing, IT and HRM, it can give you a valuable head start. Although a postgraduate qualification is not a short cut to a fast-track career, it could enhance your employability across virtually any area by focusing your research abilities and sharpening your transferable skills.

*Sourced from

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