One of the most popular programmes currently on offer is the BA (Hons) Psychology which is a HETAC awarded level 8 honours degree which is also fully accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland. This degree award was the first outside of the University sector to receive this accreditation and it remains an extremely valuable aspect of the programme. Having the PSI accreditation allows students to progress to postgraduate study in any other college or university and our graduates regularly proceed to these specialist awards. You can apply for this programme by putting the course code DB562 in the Level 8 section of your CAO.
New facilities, opened in 2010 in the Castle House building on Georges Street, include Media Labs and Studios for students who are currently completing one of the more creative programmes in areas such as Film Studies or Media Studies. These facilities are state of the art and offer students hands on experience in their chosen fields whilst also providing a better understanding of the career opportunities.
Why not check out the complete list of programmes currently available in the School of Arts on our website. Alternatively our Admissions office operated a drop in service from 8.45 - 5.15 Monday to Friday in our Aungier Street building and can be contacted on 01-4177 500 or by emailing
In DBS, we currently offer 12 programmes across the Schools of Arts and Law which will not require that a student pass maths. The content of each programme has been analysed and due to the fact that each programme contains little or no mathematical content, the Leaving Certificate maths requirement is not in place.
(Applicants are still required to present 2HC3's and 4OD3's in other subjects for level 8's or 5OD3's in other subjects for level 6/7 awards).
But remember, it is vital to ensure that when you are applying for a programme, you have enough interest in the area and you should not be applying for a course that you have no interest in just in case you fail maths but for applicants who have an interest in Law, Journalism, Media Studies or Arts degrees, it is important to be aware that your maths grade may not impact your application to college. And don't forget to check the entry requirements for all programmes that you are applying to!
Be informed - check out the complete list of programmes with no Maths requirements today on the website!