Feature Article
September 2019 New International Students

We here at Dublin Business School are very much looking forward to welcoming you to studies in Ireland this coming September. With over 9,000 students and 80+ nationalities represented amongst our student body, we believe you will have a unique experience here in our City Centre location. The college experience begins in the classroom but certainly does not end there, and our Student Experience Team provide a range of activities some of which are outlined below:

International Orientation Week
Careers Hub
Weekly Executive Careers Workshops
Career Development Weeks
Local and International trips
International Clubs & Societies
Sports Teams (including cricket, basketball, football, table tennis and swimming)
Business Society
FinTech Society
Computer Society
Peer mentoring programme
St. Patrick's Day Party
Industry guest speakers and company visits


Here is a short video of our recent Personal Career Development Week



The tech scene in Dublin: what you need to know

How Ireland’s capital is quickly becoming the world's next tech hub - as reported by www.techradar.com


When you think of tech hubs, cities such as San Francisco, London, Tel Aviv and Beijing come to mind, but what about Dublin? Ireland has been doing a great deal recently to attract the top companies and the best talent with the aim of becoming a tech hub itself. Add the UK’s decision to leave the EU to the mix, and you have some of the biggest companies from around the world considering moving their headquarters from the UK to Ireland to avoid getting caught up in Brexit.


To better understand Dublin’s journey to become a tech hub, TechRadar Pro spoke with Patricia DuChene, General Manager EMEA at the work management and collaboration company Wrike.


Click here to see the full article.

Top 10 Things To Do In Dublin
Events & News at DBS
Sports Scholars at DBS: Meet Football Player Dylan McMahon

Dylan McMahon is on a football Sports Scholarship at DBS and is in his final year studying the BA (Hons) in Marketing (Digital Media and Cloud Computing). He told us what he enjoys most about his course and his sport...


Full story.

DBS Students Visit Microsoft HQ - Dublin

The DBS Careers Team arranged two exciting trips to Microsoft HQ this semester where our students saw their incredible facilities and met with members of Microsoft staff.

Dublin Business School in Nigeria

Just last month our International Admissions Team participated in the Education in Ireland student fairs in both Abuja and Lagos. We look forward to welcoming our new Nigerian students to Dublin Business School this September.