Study a postgraduate degree at DBS!
Upcoming Open Evening
Earn your Masters at DBS
Postgraduate Opportunities
DBS Student Testimonial: Liam McFadden
DBS Student Testimonial: Nadia Paruk
Spotlight on: MBA's (recognised by MBAAI)
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Upcoming Open Evening
Wednesday January 18th, 4-7pm

You can start your Masters at DBS this month. Come along to our Open Evening on Wednesday January 18th, from 4-7pm in our Aungier Street building, and find out about the available programmes from the people who teach them.

We will be holding another Open Evening on Tuesday January 24th from 5-7pm also in our Aungier Street building.

We have a selected number of courses commencing this month, including some MBA programmes, the MSc in Marketing, the MSc in Management Practice and the MA in Addiction Studies.

Visit to find out more about the Postgraduate Programmes available in the college. 

Read: The top 5 Reasons to attend a DBS Open Day.

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