Now Accepting applications for September 2016
DBS Open Evening: Tuesday December 6th
Springboard+ is now OPEN at DBS!
Which course is for me?
What FREE courses are running in Spring 2017?
How to apply
Eligibility requirements
Springboard+ Infographics: The Facts in Pictures!
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For further information, call the Admissions Office on 01 417 7500 or email

Eligibility requirements
How do you know if you are eligible for a free course?

To be eligible for a place on a Springboard+ programme a person must be:

  • Unemployed with a previous history of employment
  • Actively seeking employment


  •  Satisfy one of the following three criteria:

1. Be in receipt of one of the following payments from the Department of Social Protection:

Jobseekers Benefit, Jobseekers Allowance, One Parent Family, Disability Allowance, Qualified Adults of Working Age, Carers Allowance, Farm Assist/Fish Assist, Widow(er) s Contributory or Non-contributory Pension, Blind Pension, Deserted Wives Allowance

There is no requirement to be in receipt of a payment for a particular period of time prior to the commencement of the programme. Participants in receipt of an eligible payment at the time the Springboard+ course commences are eligible to apply for a place on that course. However, providers will be required to give priority to applications from people who are long term unemployed OR

2. Be signing for social insurance contribution credits OR

3. Be previously self-employed

People participating in the Community Employment Scheme; the Rural Social Scheme; Tus; JobBridge or in receipt of the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance or the Short Term Enterprise Allowance may apply for Springboard+ and, with the approval of a Department of Social Protection Facilitator, take up a Springboard+ course.

Full details of eligibility criteria are available under the ‘Am I eligible’ section on the Springboard+ website

Eligibility for the ICT Skills Conversion Programmes


For the one-year full-time ICT Conversion courses you may be eligible irrespective of your employment status (i.e. whether you are employed or unemployed) and regardless of whether you are in receipt of income support from the Department of Social Protection.

For the two year part-time ICT Conversion courses you may be eligible if you are employed. If you are unemployed and in receipt of a jobseekers payment (including Farm Assist and Qualified Adults of Working Age) you are not eligible for the two year ICT Conversion courses. However, if you are in receipt of other social protection payments, e.g. One Parent Family or Disability Allowance, you may be eligible for the two year part-time Conversion programmes

Full details of eligibility criteria are available under the ‘Am I eligible’ section on the Springboard+ website

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