Feature Article
Introducing ICT Skills

ICT Skills, as part of the Springboard+ initiative, aims to upskill people in the technology sector which is currently lacking skilled personnel. Programmes are 90% funded and free to the unemployed, presenting you with a great opportunity to qualify in this area and start your career in an in-demand industry.


According to this Irish Times article "ICT or technology graduates had the highest average salaries – with almost 40 per cent of graduates earning €33,000 or more within nine months of graduating – and some of the highest employment rates."


As a result, demand for ICT conversion courses is very high and these courses have resulted in many success stories of their own, some of which you can read further below. 


Come along to our Springboard+ Information Evening on February 19th to find out more
Come along to find out more

DBS is holding an Information Evening on Tuesday February 19th in our Aungier Street campus at 6pm. 

This is an ideal chance to visit the college, find out about the Springboard+ 2018/19 initiative and the DBS courses on offer, discuss courses with past DBS Springboard+ students, and meet with DBS lecturers and staff to discuss the course of your interest. 


We are also holding a general Open Evening on January 22nd where you can get information about Springboard+ programmes.


Read: Top reasons to attend an Information Evening.


Place are filling up for ICT Skills starting March 2019

Dublin Business School (DBS), in conjunction with the Higher Education Authority (HEA) is delighted to announce, that as part of the Springboard+ 2018/19 initiative, we will be offering more Government funded Springboard+ programmes commencing in March 2019.


DBS Springboard+ programmes are now available regardless of your employment status. They are free of charge to applicants who fall under the Springboard+ 'unemployed' & 'returners' categories and there is a 10% contribution fee for applicants who are in the 'employed' category. The HEA will fund 90% of the fees for successful employed applicants. Please visit the Springboard+ website FAQ page for eligibility information. 


All DBS Springboard+ programmes are fully accredited by Quality & Qualifications Ireland (QQI).


The below 2 year part-time ICT Skills programmes are open to people in employment, subject to meeting entry & eligibility criteria.


Higher Diploma in Data Analytics (Part time) [2 Years Part-time] Level 8

Higher Diploma in Science in Financial Technology (FinTech) [2 Years Part-time] Level 8

Higher Diploma in Science in Computing (Software Development) [2 Years Part-time] Level 8

Higher Diploma in Science in Computing (Web & Cloud Technologies) [2 Years Part-time] Level 8


DBS is also offering a full-time Level 8 Higher Diploma in Science in Data Analytics programme, which is designed for, and free of charge to, people who are on Social Welfare more than 9 months or those who fall into the ‘homemakers/returners' categories.


Springboard+ Higher Diploma in Science in Data Analytics - Full-Time


All ICT Skills programmes are scheduled to start in March 2019 and are now open for applications through the Springboardcourses.ie website (entry & eligibility requirements apply for all courses). Places are awarded on a first come - first served basis, subject to meeting entry and eligibility criteria, so get your applications in fast!


*Now open to applications regardless of your employment status, entry & eligibility criteria apply on all courses


Springboard+ is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014-2020.


Wage boom of €10,000 for Tech Workers

"Computer software workers are enjoying a wage boom as their earnings soared by almost €10,000 in the last year. 


Acting director of Technology Ireland, Eoghan Ó Faoláin, said three-quarters of services companies, which include tech firms, expect to increase basic pay by almost 4pc next year. But he said the tightening of the Irish labour market is leading to problems sourcing talent.


"It is estimated there are over 12,000 vacancies in the technology sector in Ireland right now. The Irish education system alone will not be able to meet the exponential demand for tech skills," he said."


Read the full Irish Times article here. 

Why Choose DBS?

Student Testimonial - Higher Diploma in Science in Computing                                                                                                       

"In a professional capacity it was really beneficial-we got a basic grounding in almost every aspect of IT. The coding languages that we studied in DBS are   

current and there is lots of demand for developers with the skillset we acquired there. It made the transition into the workplace much easier being so well-grounded." - Susan O'Beirne


Student Testimonial - Higher Diploma in Science in Data Analytics


"The course was of great benefit to me professionally as it allowed me to apply for Data Analyst or Business Intelligence roles which require key skills such as programming with R/Python, extracting data using SQL and learning how to use BI tools like Tableau. My goal at the outset of the course was to achieve a First Class Honours qualification in which I did. This now gives me the option of pursuing further studies in a Data Analytics field going forward." - David Hennessy