Study a postgraduate degree at DBS!
Upcoming Open Evening
Earn your Masters at DBS
DBS Student Testimonial: Michael Kelly
DBS Student Testimonial: Nadia Paruk
Spotlight on: MBA's (recognised by MBAAI)
Postgraduate Opportunities at DBS
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Upcoming Open Evening
Tuesday December 6th 2016

We're holding our final Open Event of 2016 on Tuesday December 6th in our Aungier Street building from 5-7pm.

Our Open Events are an ideal opportunity for you to visit the college and obtain further information on all of our Postgraduate Programmes. You can speak with industry specialist lecturers to identify the programme that is most suitable to your future development and get a feel for college life in DBS.

5 Reasons to attend a DBS Open Day:

1. Meet our lecturers - Speak to lecturers from all faculties and get a real insight to what each course offers, how the course is structured and how you will be assessed.

2. See our facilities - Take the chance to get a feel for the college and see what our lecture theatres are like along with our other facilities such as the library, common room and canteen.

3. Advice - If you're not sure what course to apply for or which career path you would like to take, don't worry; our admissions and academic staff can help advise you of your options and help pick the right course for you.

4. Student Experience - Get an insight into the many different sports and societies on offer at DBS. These include sports such as football and swimming through to film and dance.

5. Discover the local area - Experience our city centre location, just three minutes from Grafton Street, and the vibrant local atmosphere which includes a variety of restaurants, cafes and leisure activities.

We look forward to meeting you there!

Car Parking at DBS

We have subsidised car parking available with two car parks, either Drury Street Multi Storey on Drury Street or Royal College of Surgeons Car Park attached to St Stephens Green Shopping Centre. Read more...

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