Feature Article
Reasons to attend DBS for part-time students
Whether you’re going to college for the first time or returning to college after a number of years out of education, there are a lot of things to think about. What benefit is college to me? What do I want to gain from it? Do I have the time to study?

Here are the top reasons why choosing DBS will be the right decision for you in 2018.

1. We are focused on your career
2. We help you get the skills employers are looking for
3. Quality and experience of lecturers... Read more.

Open Evening - Tuesday May 8th 2018

DBS are holding an Open Evening Tuesday, May 8th 2018 from 5pm - 7pm in our Aungier Street campus. Open Evenings are an ideal opportunity to speak with DBS staff and lecturers to find out about Professional Evening Diploma Programmes available at DBS.

Read: Top reasons to attend an Open Evening.

Register your interest in attending here. If you have any queries please contact our Diploma expert Sarah Buckham on (01) 417 7516 or email sarah.buckham@dbs.ie 

Focus on: Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Sales and Public Relations

The Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Sales and Public Relations provides students with an introduction to marketing and promotional methods used in industry. On completion of this programme students should have a firm grounding in subject areas such as Marketing Theory & Practice, Advertising, Sales & Sales Management and Public Relations.

The lecturing team will consist of lecturers who combine academic qualifications with substantial practical business and marketing experience. In addition, marketing professionals will be invited as guest lecturers to discuss practices in the industry. A wide range of teaching techniques, including lectures, videos, workshops, seminars, guest lectures, and case studies will form an integral part of the course.

On completion of this programme, students will have the knowledge and skills required to work in a variety of marketing and business positions such as marketing assistant, PR executive, advertising executive, customer relations or as a sales representative.

Read more here.

Enterprise Offices Help Create 4,000 Start-up jobs

Almost 4,000 jobs were created last year by startups and small businesses backed by their Local Enterprise Offices (LEO's). This brings the total number of jobs created by LEO-supported companies to 15,000 since the LEO's were established in 2014. An announcement made in February 2018 of some 3,700 jobs created in 2017, was welcomed by the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation. 

- Irish Independent


Be a part of this growing trend by enhancing your skills and CV with our Professional Evening Diplomas 

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Diploma in Selling and Sales Management
Our Diploma in Selling and Sales Management is designed to give either existing salespeople or others looking to break into sales a greater insight into the profession of selling and sales management. The course is delivered by a lecturer with over 15 years experience of working in sales and offers students a balance between the theoretical and practical elements of sales, with the emphasis on selling and sales management skills.

Call in to see us!

Call in to our office in Aungier Street any time between Monday to Friday, 8.45am - 5.15pm to speak to the Admissions Team.

They can guide you through our range of courses to help you decide on the one that's right for you.

You can also contact us on (01) 417 7500 or admissions@dbs.ie