Now Accepting applications for September 2016
DBS Open Evening: Tuesday December 6th
Springboard+ is now OPEN at DBS!
What courses are running in Spring 2017?
Springboard+ Infographics: The Facts in Pictures!
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For further information, call the Admissions Office on 01 417 7500 or email

DBS Open Evening: Tuesday December 6th
Make sure you don't miss out on our next Open Event on Tuesday December 6th, from 5-7pm in our Aungier Street Campus. 

DBS Open Events are a great opportunity to:
  • Meet with Programme Lecturers
  • Find out more about the courses on offer
  • Experience our campus and facilities
  • Meet our Admissions Team.

Please feel free to come along on December 6th  and discuss what course is right for you.

If you have any questions or queries in the meantime please contact Laura Lynam on (01) 4177500 or
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