Feature Article
Professional Diploma in Psychology

Our January intake for our Professional Evening Diploma in Psychology commences in just a few weeks time. Psychology is a modern and progressive area of study and despite having a 150 year history is currently experiencing unprecedented growth and development in Ireland and internationally. 

We know that life is busy, but we hope you won't miss this valuable opportunity to develop your professional skills in Psychology this year. If you want to join the Diploma in Psychology this January 27th, fill out our free online application as soon as possible and our Professional Diploma expert will help make your transition to DBS a smooth one. Don't have time to get online? Call our Professional Diploma Officer Sarah Buckham at 01.417.7516 and she will help create an application for you over the phone. 

At DBS we are committed to providing you with relevant, practical, up to date professional skills that you can use to get ahead in an ever changing corporate climate.

For more information about Professional Evening Diplomas, please contact Sarah Buckham at 01 417 7516 or by email at sarah.buckham@dbs.ie.



DBS: Convenient and Accessible Location for Learning

Dublin Business School

Why apply to a Professional Evening Diploma?

Diplomas are great as an add-on or stand-alone qualification. Whether you are looking to build on your current interests and enhance your promotional prospects or looking to venture into new areas of study - a professional diploma form DBS will help you to realise your career ambitions.

We offer diplomas on a part-time (evening) basis to accommodate those with busy work schedules. Perhaps you have thought about advancing your career or switching gears entirely but can’t quite commit to a full-time course – then why not ‘dip your toe in the water’ by completing a professional diploma with DBS.

Located right in the heart of Dublin; our city-centre location is perfectly placed to suit the working student. We are well connected by public transport allowing for easy access to and from classes.

Our student body is as diverse as the programmes we offer – and everyone has a different reason for undertaking a diploma at different stages in their life but we have found the following reasons to resonate with graduates:

  • Career progression – promotion opportunities greatly increase when people actively takes steps to develop and enhance their skills. An interested and involved employee who is dedicated to self-improvement will stand out when it comes to promotion.
  • Change of career – tired of your current work situation? Looking to change career paths? Completing a diploma in your area of interest is a great way to start. Because our diplomas are offered on a part-time basis, there is little risk involved if you are looking to change careers but apprehensive of abandoning the security offered by your current job. Engage your interest with a professional diploma and take the first steps towards a new you!
  • Curiosity – some students decide to complete a diploma simply because there are interested in a topic. It is perfectly okay to engage your curiosity and dabble in subjects of interest that mightn’t necessarily be of influence in your everyday life. Some people run marathons, some people are quizmasters, and some are academics.
  • Sense of achievement – others are motivated by self-discipline and personal growth. Self-actualisation is a drive or need present in everyone, it refers to the realisation or fulfilment of a person’s talents and potentialities. Setting and achieving goals and targets is psychologically beneficial and proven to promote personal contentment.
  • Staying current – certain sectors of industry move quite rapidly and sometimes upskilling is required to stay ahead of the game. Keeping up to date with industry practice is crucial to succeeding in the workplace.
  • Work promoted – because of this, many companies will pay for employees to upskill in their chosen field. Employers want the best from their employees and will expect that they are familiar with the latest practice and standards.

Whatever the reason, there are many value added benefits to undertaking, completing, and achieving a professional diploma with DBS.

For further information please contact DBS at admissions@dbs.ie or by phone at 01.417.7516

Bespoke Professional Diploma Programmes

See a Diploma programme that might benefit you and a few of your colleagues? Ask us about our corporate discount or about creating a bespoke Diploma programme that will meet the needs of your team or organisation